Have you seen Coco the kitty?

Neighbor Heather writes to tell us that Coco, the unofficial “12th Avenue Viewpoint park greeter” cat, is missing again. Coco was last seen on the morning of Saturday, March 24, at 12th Avenue South and South Stevens Street.

“Things to know: female, social, black and white long haired, green eyes, and has one pupil that is bigger than the other and probably with some bushes or branches attached to her tail. She is EXTREMELY friendly and has a home. Please call me if you have seen her.
Thank you!!!


Have you seen Coco?

7 thoughts on “Have you seen Coco the kitty?”

  1. AWWWWww , Again ? missing 5 days now ? Let’s hope she hasn’t been catnapped. We surely want to hear “she’s back home” voluntarily or by a kind person retrieving her. If she doesn’t wander back hope, I would contribute with a reward collection to help . After all, she is family!

    L L NBH

  2. that looks like the very friendly cat my husband and I saw last Saturday late afternoon, on Forest between 18th & 19th I believe. Sorry it was almost a week ago now so I don’t know if that is any help – I just re-read, it would have been on the 24th the day she went missing, around 5:30pm.

  3. I hope she is OK. Charlie, our kitty that is very similar in appearance and temperament to Coco, showed up on our doorstep a couple of years ago and when we took him to the vet, we were told that he is infected with FIV and so he can’t be outside exposing other kitties to the virus. Anyway, he got it somewhere in this neighborhood (usually cats get it when fighting other cats) and so if Coco spends time outside she could be exposed to it too.

    Hopefully Coco is safe and just being spoiled somewhere by someone who doesn’t realize she already has a home.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I do fear that with the nice weather we had last weekend that she is trapped in a garage somewhere. She is pretty street smart so I don’t think she is dead. I do worry that someone thought she is so friendly that they took her in. I know that she can not be caged in, so sooner or later she will drive them absolutely nuts until they let her out! We are so so sad over here. Don’t stop looking! Please! THank you!

  5. I saw a fluffy black and white kitty crossing 14th at massachusetts heading west away from the community garden on Friday 3/31 at abo 8:30am. From the size it appeared to be a girl. She seemed to know her way around the neighborhood and was moving in a directed but not skittish manner.

  6. Thanks for the info Nina! I really appreciate any bit of hope at this point. Coco is definitely not skittish, although that is a bit far for even her to travel. I put some more signs up tonight further north, so thank you for looking and posting! Let me know if you should have any more sitings.

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