The Cleveland High School PTSA invites everyone to help raise $10,000 by participating in the Cleveland High School Red and White Night Soaring Eagles Auction, Saturday, April 28, from 5:30-9 p.m. at Brockey Center on the South Seattle Community College Campus (6000 16th Ave. S.W.).
You can be part of this fundraising event in several ways: by buying a ticket to attend, by donating an item for the silent or live auction, or by donating cash directly. To buy tickets or donate, go to this website and follow the steps there.
Volunteers are also welcome. To volunteer, contact Heather Graves (hmchavez4@gmail.com).
There will be lots of great auction items – private meetings with just about every elected official in Seattle so you can make a pitch for your neighborhood’s needs. Cleveland is a great high school and you can help make it even greater!