- The Beacon Hill Blog photo pool at Flickr is an ever-growing collection of Beacon Hill photos. Have you taken a photo of the Hill? If you add it to the pool, we might feature it in the blog.
- The forums are brand new this week, and they are a great place to post requests and recommendations, Help Wanted listings, rants and raves, and more. Currently in the forums: a request for veterinarian recommendations, and a query about organizing a knitters’ stitch ‘n’ bitch on the Hill.
- The events calendar shows upcoming events that we’ve posted about in the blog. Is your upcoming event not listed? Send us the info so we can add it!
- If you’re a Twitter user, you can follow our Twitter feed. It includes announcements of our posts, as well as other comments and some behind-the-scenes info.
- We also have a Beacon Hill Blog Facebook group!
- The mailing lists are the original inspiration for this site. The Beacon Hill neighborhood list began in 1999 with a small group of neighbors and now has more than 325 members who get neighborhood-related discussions and announcements in their email boxes. The list does not mirror the content of the blog; sometimes you see the same things in both places, but often it differs. The list tends to be more conversational, and less newsy. If this sounds like your type of thing, join us! You can also join a very low-volume announcements-only list if you prefer.
Thanks for being part of the blog community so far! We’d love to hear your comments and feedback.