Though it’s not quite spring on the calendar yet, there’s not much doubt that spring is here on Beacon Hill. Daffodils, cherry trees, and bluebells are blooming all over the hill, and the green leaves are starting to come out on the deciduous trees. This colorful crocus is one of many around the Hill.
Perhaps spring is inspiring many Beacon Hill photographers. Drew Sellers, inspired by artwork on the wall at El Quetzal, recently did a photoshoot to “recreate” a Diego Rivera print. Laisha Montiel, daughter of El Quetzal owners Juan and Elena, modeled in a white dress, holding a bouquet of daisies.
I live on the south end of beacon hill. For the past several years, i noticed a HUGE eagle nest as you come down henderson, prior to getting to MLK street, you could see this nest perched atop a utility pole. I used to see the eagles (at least i think they were) in the nest alot. Now, the light rail came, and the pole and the nest is gone. Or at least i dont see it anymore, and i have looked a lot. Can someone tell me what happened or direct me to a website that might have the answers? Thanks so much, as i miss seeing these birds. Gia