It turns out that our DPD planner is now on vacation for the date that we initially rescheduled our new meeting for (July 23rd). Because it is in the neighborhood’s, project’s and Owner’s best interest to have the same land use planner throughout the design review process (makes for continuity and better tracking of feedback), we have to reschedule once again to August 13th at 6:30pm at Wellspring Family Services, 1900 Rainier Avenue South..
We want to apologize in advance for any confusion that this has or will cause. This change was beyond our control and we will do everything we can to maximize neighborhood notice for the August meeting. Because this is a substantial project with a variety of programs and design approaches to both the private (residential) and public spaces (plaza, etc.) we fully expect that we will have at least two, if not three, design review presentations – so there should be ample opportunity this fall for people to weigh in if they cannot make this initial meeting in August. As always, we welcome feedback via e-mail or telephone calls as well for anyone that cannot make the meeting.
Again, we apologize for this mix-up and hope to see people in August! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kate Gill de la Garza may be reached at 206-860-2491 ext. 202 or at
Plaza Roberto Maestas design guidance meeting delayed until August.
BEACON HILL Plaza Roberto Maestas design guidance meeting delayed until August: We wrote on June 7 that the Pl…