(This article was submitted through The Commons here on the BHB. Thanks, Melissa!)
Ever wished you could print/fax/copy/scan right here on Beacon Hill? Well, you can! The Beacon Hill Branch of The Seattle Public Library has it all–cheaper and faster than any office supply place. Scan your documents for FREE to your USB thumb drive, print (color or B&W), copy, or fax from the checkout desk. Plus free wi-fi, computers & meeting space. Woot!
Speaking of wi-fi–you can take it with you! Check out a “wi fi hotspot” for 21 days. You can reserve one in advance. Bring internet access to your home, for free! Find out more here.
Have you checked out the Summer of Learning program? It features tons of free activities all over the city, for all ages. Bring your kid(s) to the Beacon Hill branch today, grab a booklet (and a free book to jump start the learning) and head out for fun!
Grownups can sign up for Summer Book Bingo. Print a card (or pick one up at the branch) to enter to win fabulous prizes. This isn’t for the faint of heart–filling your bingo card will be a stretch for even the heaviest reader.
If that’s not enough to keep you busy, check out free passes to many of Seattle’s most popular attractions–including the EMP, Seattle Art Museum, Wooden Boat Center and many more! You can reserve by date or by venue at http://www.spl.org/library-collection/museum-pass.
What can’t you do with a library card? http://t.co/rGwaVdS5Mw http://t.co/LnFKYQYu7t http://t.co/0QjpxPZfX7
RT @beaconhillblog: What can’t you do with a library card? http://t.co/rGwaVdS5Mw http://t.co/LnFKYQYu7t http://t.co/0QjpxPZfX7
BEACON HILL What can’t you do with a library card?: (This article was submitted through The Commons here on th… http://t.co/5AbSl3wldZ
What can’t you do with a library card?: http://t.co/PzdaRNt67k
What can’t you do with a library card? http://t.co/HoW2vSijxg via @nuzzel thanks @beaconhillblog
RT @beaconhillblog: What can’t you do with a library card? http://t.co/rGwaVdS5Mw http://t.co/LnFKYQYu7t http://t.co/0QjpxPZfX7