- The other day we expressed skepticism about the Georgetown Morgue story; Benjamin Lukoff has done the homework to explain why — Examiner.com
- …but A.M. Moscoso thinks Benjamin, by debunking the story, “didn’t prove anything other then the only story he could come up with was the deconstructing of another writer’s work.” (I disagree, but decide for yourself.) — Anita’s Owl Creek Bridge
(Edited at 1:08 pm on 10/27 to add the following: Since we linked to Anita’s Owl Creek Bridge last night, she has changed her post to remove the link to the Examiner entirely, changing it to a KUBE promotional link, and also to remove her link to the Beacon Hill Blog. See the cached version on Google, for as long as it lasts.)
- Beacon Hill native Ken Mochizuki, author of Beacon Hill Boys
, gave a couple of interesting online interviews last month: here and here — Flamingnet Young Adult Book Blog and ALSC Blog
- A “gun blogger” meet-up is planned at La Cabaña at 6:00 pm on November 9 – The View from North Central Idaho
Tag Archives: georgetown morgue
Beacon Bits: Diner rebirth, streetlights, and stories

- This time, it’s the Bus Bitch giving his take on the proposed SE Seattle bus changes, with clear explanations of what each option will mean to you — Rainier Valley Post
- Andy’s Diner re-Oriented: Clark Humphrey brings some good news: Andy’s Diner on Fourth Avenue South is reopening as the Orient Express! Permit data here. — via Blogging Georgetown
- Now that the days are getting shorter, the broken streetlights in our neighborhood are becoming more noticeable. Here’s how to report a broken streetlight in your neighborhood. Hint: lights that go on and off are broken; report them! — Central District News
- The UW Daily has a morbid — and probably entirely made-up — tale of ghoulish deeds and tragedy at the Georgetown Morgue. It’s not entirely false, though. There really was an earthquake in April, 1965 — via Blogging Georgetown
- Super Saturday at Seward Park is tomorrow, October 25, with fun family activities including pumpkin carving, storytelling, a bat-themed nature walk, and more! — Rainier Valley Post