Tag Archives: leaves

Colorful October

Robinette Struckel posted some wonderful photos of autumn on Beacon Hill to the Beacon Hill Blog photo pool on Flickr, including these amazing leaves. Thanks, Robinette!

We’d love to feature your Beacon Hill photos, too. If you have images of Beacon Hill to share, please consider contributing to the pool. Sometimes we aren’t able to use photos right away, but we do appreciate all of them. Thanks to all the wonderful Beacon Hill photographers out there!

Photo by Robinette Struckel in the Beacon Hill Blog photo pool on Flickr.

Maria Isabel Velez: Images of SE Seattle in fiery color

This beautiful photo of autumn leaves on the grounds of the VA Hospital is by Maria Isabel Velez. Her photostream on Flickr has some beautiful atmospheric images of things in Beacon Hill, Columbia City, Georgetown, and elsewhere. According to her profile, all of the photos were taken with her iPhone!

Many of the images are of things that might go unnoticed — a crack in concrete, a rusting bench, an outlet on a wall. Maria’s use of composition and saturated color makes them fascinating.

Some other photos I particularly enjoyed in Maria’s photostream: