In the Pre-Engineering camp, kids will build cities, bridges, and motorized cars and planes, with the help of a Play-Well Engineering instructor. In the Engineering FUNdamentals camp, students take on real-life engineering challenges that explore concepts in physics, architecture, mechanical and structural engineering with over 100,000 pieces of LEGO material. It is a “hands-on and minds-on course suitable for LEGO novices to ‘maniacs.'”
The activity fee for the camp is $125. For registration information, please contact the Community Center at 206-684-7481.
Did you know that Jefferson Community Center has a pottery studio? Neither did we. Photo by Karpov the Wrecked Train via Creative Commons.Molly Hueffed writes to let us know about adult pottery classes at Jefferson Community Center this spring, meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays during the days, and Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays in the evening, depending on which classes you take. Classes start on Monday, April 5, and enrollment is open now. You can find and register for classes via this Teachstreet page, or via the Jefferson CC website (go to SPARC registration), or by calling 206-684-7481.
There will be a preschool summer camp at Jefferson Community Center from July 5 through September 3. The sessions are for 3 1/2- to 5-year-old (potty trained) kids and the cost is $125 per week. Kids can attend for a week or for the whole summer. Camp sessions are each day from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm, and each week has a special theme such as “Summer Safari” or “Water, Water, Everywhere.”
The first of three design meetings for the new Jefferson Park Skatepark, including updates on the Beacon Mountain Play Area and the Jefferson Park Playfield, is scheduled for April 14 from 6:00 – 8:30 pm at the Jefferson Community Center.
From 6:00 – 6:40 pm the project manager will provide updates on Beacon Mountain and Jefferson Playfield, then at 6:45 the design workshop will begin for the skatepark.
The community is asked to bring their skatepark ideas, images and drawings to share with the design team. The next meeting on May 26 will refine the skatepark ideas and a final meeting will be held on July 14 to review a final skatepark schematic design. Each meeting will begin with a construction update of the overall park, Beacon Mountain and Jefferson Playfield.
If you’re closer to Rainier Beach than Jefferson Park, fear not, you also have a great new community center and pool coming soon! All are invited to come and learn about the design of the new Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool at a public meeting at the Rainier Beach Community Center, 8825 Rainier Avenue South, on Tuesday, April 13 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. For further information, see the project website.
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Thanks to David Gackenbach, Molly Hueffed, Frederica Merrell, and Heather Dwyer for forwarding us community center/park info!
Garfield High School Class of 1969 is celebrating its 40th class reunion August 7-9, including bowling at Imperial Lanes, food and entertainment at Yesler Community Center, and a family picnic and potluck at Othello Park. The registration fee is $69 per person for the weekend. For further information, see the reunion website, and RSVP to (206) 499-9624 by July 15.
A.C.E. Summer Language Camps in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian language for kids 10-14 are being held on July 13-24 at Northgate Elementary School in Northeast Seattle. Classes are free (with a $25 registration fee), and all teachers are native speakers. For more information, contact Maka Janikashvili by email at, call (206) 217-9644 ext 201, or visit
The comment period for Seattle’s draft Pedestrian Master Plan has been extended to Friday, June 26. You can view the plan on the web, here. Comments on the plan may be made through an online form, via email to, by phone (206-733-9970), or by mail (Pedestrian Master Plan Comments, Seattle Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 34996, Seattle, WA 98124-4996). There will also be a public hearing on the draft plan on Tuesday, July 21, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 600 Fourth Avenue.
Atlantic Street Center is partnering with Seattle Public Schools in offering a Class of 2013 Math Academy this summer. The Academy will be at Aki Kurose Middle School, July 6-July 30, and is intended for “8th graders-rising-to-9th who struggle in math.” It will include morning math-focused academics, and afternoon enrichment activities. Cost is free to families. For more information, contact Samara Louton, Education/Activities Coordinator, 723-4073 x108 or
Is this your kitty?Are you missing a cat? This cute tabby was spotted at 13th Avenue South and South Spokane Street at around 11:15pm last night hanging out on a front porch. The neighbor who saw him didn’t bring him inside, but just wanted to get the word out where this cat is hanging out, in case someone’s missing their kitty. (Thanks, Robert!)