- Beacon Hill resident Kris Koepke asks about the scofflaws that take right turns on red lights at 15th and Beacon, where the intersection is marked “No Turn on Red.” A Seattle Police spokesman responds, “we have notified our traffic section of this problem.” It’s a $124 ticket if you get caught — Seattle P-I
- Denise Gonzalez-Walker asks if Seattle Schools superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson is anti-alternative education, given the impact on alternative schools such as AS #1, Summit K-12, and Beacon Hill’s African-American Academy in the recent school closure/relocation proposals. (The discussion on that page is pretty interesting and people make good points on both sides.) — Chalkboard blog, Seattle P-I
- Just a couple of blocks away from the north tip of Beacon Hill is the Mi La Cay Vietnamese soup restaurant (mi soup, similar to pho, but with some differences), reviewed favorably by D.J. Yasui — Northwest Cheap Eats Examiner