- It’s not on Beacon Hill, but it’s not too far away — a new pet supply store, Immortal Dog Pet Supply and Bakery, has opened on the 1700 block of Jackson. Despite the name, it’s not for dogs only. It’s nice to have a pet supply store closer to Beacon Hill. (If there’s a closer one, let us know!) — Central District News
- Mary Woodward will discuss her book In Defense of Our Neighbors: The Walt and Milly Woodward Story
on Thursday, February 19, at the Beacon Hill Library, 2821 Beacon Avenue South, 6:30 p.m. The event is free. — Seattle Books Examiner
- Phil Weigel of Motorcycle Services, Inc., down the hill in Georgetown, is a long-time member of the Georgetown community who has run into some hard times after a recent broken hip: while Phil was recuperating in the VA here on Beacon Hill, his landlords terminated his month to month lease, and in a very few days he may have nowhere to go. There are many ways you can help; see Blogging Georgetown for details.
2 thoughts on “Beacon Bits: Pets, books, and a neighbor needing help”
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A Dog’s Dream is in Georgetown, pretty close to Beacon Hill.
Excellent, so we have a store close to the north part of the hill, and one for the south and mid Beacon folks.