NBHC meeting this Thursday; Festival Street and El Centro development among topics

It’s the first week of the month, which means it’s that time again: the North Beacon Hill Council meets this Thursday at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. You become part of the council when you attend your first meeting, and have voting privileges when you attend your second.

This month’s meeting is at a different location from the usual: Beacon Lutheran Church, on the northwest corner of 18th Avenue South and South Forest street, one block east of the library.

This is the agenda for this month’s meeting:

  • 7:00 Welcomes and Introductions
  • 7:10 Updates
    • Neighborhood Planning Ad Hoc Committee – Freddie Merrill (10 minutes – probable vote needed)
    • Lewis Park – Vinh Nguyen (5 minutes)
    • Candidate’s Night – Michael Richmond (5 minutes – vote of approval needed)
  • 7:30 South Lander Festival Street Update, Megan Hoyt, Seattle Department of Transportation
  • 7:50 El Centro de la Raza plans for development – Estella Rodriguez, El Centro de la Raza
  • 8:10 SE Precinct Seattle Police Department, Capt. Eric Sano/Shelly Bates
  • 8:25 Community concerns, announcements
  • 8:45 Closure