Beacon Hill public art website debuts

Kissing fish fountain at Jefferson Park. Photo by Joel Lee.
Kissing fish fountain at Jefferson Park. Photo by Joel Lee.
After the post earlier this week about public art on Beacon Hill, Joel Lee was inspired to create a website dedicated to the public art all around us on the Hill. The site, Beacon Hill Public Art, contains pictures of and information about artworks from all parts of Beacon Hill. Lee welcomes your information, ideas, and photos to add to the site.

2 thoughts on “Beacon Hill public art website debuts”

  1. Back when Amazon was still the Public Health Hospital there were huge WPA- era nurals in side rooms of the main entry. My recollection is that they were of the working man toiling at various occupations. A couple of years ago I stuck my head in the door to see them again but a security guard told me they were no longer there.
    I wonder where they went?

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