“Join neighbors at a meeting to create a safe bike circulation plan that will also benefit walking in our community. Â We are borrowing great ideas from our neighbors to the south in Portland who have been doing family bike planning since 1990 through the Bike Transportation Alliance.
“We want to get kids and adults on their bikes for those short trips on the hill from home to school, the store, McPherson’s, Jefferson Park and the library. Â We don’t want to battle with dangerous arterial traffic. Â We want to create bike boulevards on less busy streets, improve arterial crossings, add signage, and have fun doing it!”
The group’s draft mission is currently “To design, plan and steward the creation of a family bike and pedestrian circulation system for Beacon Hill based on the work of innovative Portland neighbors, PDOT planners, and the Bike Transportation Alliance in coordination with SDOT and components of the SE Transportation Plan, the Bicycle Master Plan and the Pedestrian Master Plan.”
The Beacon Hill Library is located at 2821 Beacon Avenue South. If you have questions or ideas, contact Frederica at frmerrel@seattleschools.org.