The North Beacon Hill Council monthly meeting is at 7:00 pm, Thursday, October 7, at the Beacon Hill Library community room, 2821 Beacon Avenue South. Everyone is welcome. As a reminder, you are part of the council when you attend your first meeting, and you have voting privileges when you attend your second.
Here is this month’s agenda:
- 7:00 Welcomes and Introductions
- 7:05 Presentations by Community Groups (Five minutes per group)
- Beacon Avenue/South Forest Street Planting Project – Matt and Sara Stubbs
- Beacon Hill Business Association – Robert Hinrix or representative
- Beacon Hill Pedestrians/Bike Committee – Dylan Ahern or representative
- Beacon Rocks! Festival – Paul Ray or representative
- Jefferson Park Food Forest – Glenn Herlihy or representative
- Jefferson Park Playground – Freddie Merrell or representative
- Jefferson Park Reservoir Gatehouse Historic Designation – Mira Latoszek*
- Lewis Park Re-Forestation – Dee Dunbar and Vinh Nguyen*
*These groups have asked for letters of support by the Council and will be given extra time on the agenda.
- 7:55 Vote to approve submitting Council letters of support for Gatehouse Historic Designation and Lewis Park’s Parks Opportunity Fund Grant
- 8:00 Steve Louie, Neighborhood Coordinator and Judith Edwards, Chair – City Budget Cuts: Loss of neighborhood service center, cuts to Neighborhood Matching Fund, impacts and strategies
- 8:10 Upcoming Meetings and Events
- Saturday, October 16, 9:00 – 12:00, Beacon Lutheran Church:
Small group action planning for our town center. This link allows you to review the areas prioritized at the Mercer Middle School open-house earlier this summer. - Other announcements
- 8:15 Executive Board Meeting/Closure
The next NBHC meeting will be held Thursday, November 4, at 7:00 pm.
The Joint Greater Duwamish District Council/Southeast District Council meeting is Wednesday, October 27, at 7:00 pm at the Rainier Community Center, 4600 38th Avenue South in Columbia City. Stella Chao, Executive Director of the Department of Neighborhoods and a representative from the City Budget Office will take questions and input on the Mayor’s proposed 2011-12 budget and the cuts which are proposed for the Neighborhood Service Centers and Neighborhood Matching Fund.