“Anyone know if there are any organized block watches on N Beacon Hill? Mark Solomon the SPD coordinator for our area apparently notified someone but I never heard from them. Just wondering. Seems a good idea.”
Anyone have any information? Comment here or in the forum.
I live near the corner of 17th and Shelton, which is more Mid-Beacon, and know that there are several people in my neighborhood that organize formal and informal block watch activity in the area surrounding my house. Sorry, but I don’t know about any farther North.
It might be worth trying to contact the people who run the Beacon Watch blog (link in the right hand nav, though it doesn’t appear to have been posted on since late 2010).
Beacon Watch used to have a pretty active mailing list, but either it’s gone away or I’m not receiving the mails for some reason. Having been through a car theft, two burglaries, and two car prowls (only counting the ones with broken windows, not the ones from after we deliberately stopped locking the doors on the old truck) in the last ten years, I’d be interested in seeing a reinvigorated block watch.
Tyler, who are the people who organize for mid-Beacon? Can I get info anywhere? I’m right by the library and would like to get involved.
There is a block watch on N. Beacon Hill originating from 18th Ave S. near Horton/Hinds/Spokane. I used to live there and still get emails from the group as it’s close enough to where I live now that I like to keep an eye on the list and on happenings in the area. The list is a Google group called Beacon Hill Block Watch. You can search for it in Google Groups.
all the google beacon hill block watch searches come to this site.
The police contact for this is Mark Solomon. Here is a link for his info.
Tyler, Brook, Tess, Jessie: I wouldn’t mind contacting Mark Solomon our Beacon Hill block watch contact at SPD. Perhaps we can meet with him at the library and be brought up to speed on current Hill block watches and needs. I learned from a previous conversation with him that he has a lot of materials and tips to share plus he’s connected to all existing block watches in our area. FYI, W. Seattle is very organized and even has a W Seattle block watch Captains Network. It’s really quite cool.
Here is some info that Mark sent to me recently:
“Getting a block watch started is pretty easy. All you
> really need to do is check with a few neighbors about a good
> day and time to hold a meeting, pick a date, place and time
> that works for most, and invite them to come. The
> number of households and the size of the area are up to
> you.
> At the meeting, I show up with crime prevention
> materials. We discuss area crime, what is being done
> about it and what neighbors can do. We also pass
> around a sign-up sheet for neighbors to list their contact
> information. The sheet becomes the basis for your
> block watch map.
> If you want to host a meeting, I find that an evening
> meeting with a 6:30 or 7pm start works best. Plan for
> about 90 minutes. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are
> best for my schedule. Give it some thought and let me
> know if you want to get something scheduled.
> Mark
> Mark Solomon
> Crime Prevention Coordinator
> Seattle Police Department
> 206.386.9766”
So, if you folks are up to it I’ll make the contact. Let me know if Wednesday May 11th might be a good target.
I’m very pleased to see your responses here. Thanks for your interest.
In 2009, I contacted Mark Solomon asking the same questions. He was able to forward me two names of organizers in North Beacon. I did not follow-up at the time, but I would be more than happy to pass along my information. I live at 14th & Bayview and would like to help with an active block watch. Please feel free to contact me at: christineacole@gmail.com
Ah Christine … just down the street from the bakery. Handy location. lol. I’m on 16th & College. I’m thinking if we schedule a meeting with Mark he would invite those people if they are still active. He can give us materials to start our own as well. Thanks a lot Christine. Anyone else interested? You are welcome to contact me privately at jackinharmony@gmail.com or here. We should likely set a meeting date with Mark first so there is time to knock on some neighbors doors and invite folks. For the record I too have had vehicles stolen over the past 12 years including one at knife point nearly 3 years ago. The “felon” gets out next year too… right here in King Co. That’s a real comfort…
I would also love to come to a neighborhood watch meeting as well if possible. I can also be contacted at acooper@adt.com