As mentioned previously, the People-Powered Park Parade and Lewis Park Celebration is this Saturday, May 21. The PPPP is a bike and walk parade that will tour the proposed bike boulevard on 17th and 18th Avenues S., and celebrate the 100th birthday of Lewis Park. You can see the parade route here.
Here is the event timeline; come for the entire event, or just part of it, if you prefer.
At Jefferson Park Playground, 3801 Beacon Ave. S.:
- 11:30 a.m. Gather and decorate bikes
- 11:40 a.m. Lion dancers
- 11:45 a.m. Introduction, CM Rasmussen speaks, parade instructions
- 12:00 p.m. Leave Jefferson Park and travel the proposed Beacon Hill Bike Boulevard/Greenway
At Sturgus Park, 904 Sturgus Ave. S.:
- 1:00 p.m. Event begins (BBQ, music, arrival of bike parade)*
- 1:25 p.m. Mayor arrives, mix and mingle
- 1:30 p.m. Welcome by Friends of Lewis Park
- 1:35 p.m. Duwamish blessing
- 1:45 p.m. CM Sally Bagshaw (3-5 min)
- 1:50 p.m. Mayor’s remarks (3-5 minutes)
- 1:55 p.m. Christopher Williams (3-5 minutes)
- 2:00 p.m. Bernie Matsuno (3-5 minutes)
- 2:15 p.m. Tours of Lewis Park Natural Area begin, music resumes
- 5:00 p.m. Event concludes
*Due to limited seating, it is advised that you bring a blanket/something to sit on to Sturgus Park.
This event is organized by Beacon Walks and Bikes and Friends of Lewis Park, and funded in part by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. For more information, contact Dee Dunbar at or Dylan Ahearn at
Woo Hoooooo!!
All right! We’ll be cheering the parade and following behind with the stroller! Planning to be at College and 18th around 12:20 if anyone wants to walk along.
Weather tracking right now. Looks like things will clear up right around noon! Come on out!
It was a two-fold community celebration. The Friends of Lewis Park and Beacon Bikes joined forces with the City of Seattle, Dept. of Neighborhoods, North Beacon Hill Council and Green Seattle Partnership in sponsoring the People Powered Park Parade and celebrtion of 4 years of restoration of Lewis Park Natural Area.
The colorful bike parade was in celebration of the vision of a kid friendly bicycle and pedestrian path connecting our Seattle Parks with safe and enjoyable neighborhood greenways. An estimated (I didn’t count)50 or more bicyclists of all ages departed the Jefferson Park playground and rode the proposed path to Lewis Park to the north.
Upon arrival the riders and walkers (who seemed to double in numbers) were greeted by the Friends of Lewis Park and several dignitaries from the City of Seattle. Two of the more popular neighbors were Jay Hollingsworth and J.J. Lund. People lined up and down the block to meet them as they flipped the burgers & dogs and stirred the chili.
Director Dee Dunbar introduced several dignitaries that included Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn. Each of them shared a similar message of congratulations to the citizen volunteers who are providing the many hours of hands on labor to achieve the goal of restoring the Lewis Park Natural Area to a beautiful, family friendly environment. They expressed great appreciation to citizens of the neighborhood who are making it happen. They also recognized the grants awarded to the project were really quite small when compared to the investment of time and work of the citizens of north Beacon Hill.
This is certainly not an official report but rather an observation from a long time citizen of north Beacon Hill.
Good Times were had by all!