A citizen advisory team has worked for a while on developing new ideas for the operation of the centers, and now Parks would like to hear from residents in the wider community at two meetings, one at Bitter Lake in the far North End, and the other right here on Beacon Hill.
All are welcome to attend. The Bitter Lake meeting is on Wednesday, June 15, 7 – 8:30 p.m., at Bitter Lake Community Center, 13035 Linden Ave. N. The Beacon Hill meeting is the next day, Thursday, June 16, 7 – 8:30 p.m., at Jefferson Community Center, 3801 Beacon Ave. S.
A draft of the options that have been proposed so far will be available tomorrow, June 8, at all community centers and on the Seattle Parks and Recreation website. There will also be an online survey posted on the same website starting June 8 which you may fill out if you’re unable to attend the community meetings.
For further information, please contact Susan Golub at susan.golub@seattle.gov.
While doing a search at Twitter on “community centersâ€, I found this article “Input Wanted on New Directions for Community Centersâ€. Though I live in Leesburg, VA and not in Seattle, I have done much researching and writing about community centers and, if I may, I’d like to add some thoughts to your discussions.
Here are two resources to explore on the subject of “community centers†which might help your discussions. [Note: Both resources provide information about the concept “Community Teaching and Learning Centersâ€â€”which was created by “Teachers Without Bordersâ€â€”and the adaptions to that concept made by The Interfaith Peacebuilding and Community Revitalization (IPCR) Initiative (which I am building).]
1) “A Four Page Summary of The IPCR Initiative†(accessible for free from The IPCR Initiative website homepage at http://www.ipcri.net
2) The IPCR Journal/Newsletter (Winter 2010-2011 issue)—which includes two sections “Community Teaching and Learning Centers: A Special Form of Community Education†and “A Key Role That Can Be Played By Philanthropy†(p. 18-19) (also accessible for free from The IPCR Initiative website homepage at http://www.ipcri.net
Kind Regards,
Stefan Pasti, Founder and Outreach Coordinator
The IPCR Initiative