Choreographer Freya Wormus is returning to Beacon Hill next month to present a new version of her work hold on anyway at Yoga on Beacon, 3013 Beacon Ave S. The performance includes five dancers who swing and launch themselves from walls using gravity-defying rigging, and according to Wormus, the work “challenges the dancers’ perceived relationship to the floor and to gravity itself.” (Here is what the Seattle Weekly had to say about last year’s version.)
The dancers, Laura Aschoff, Victoria Jacobs, Alex Martin, Sarah Shira and Freya Wormus, will perform alongside the band Estocar (hear them on their website).
The performances will be on Friday and Saturday evenings, as well as Sunday matinees, from January 13-29. Tickets, $15 for adults and $10 for students and children, are available at Brown Paper Tickets.

Wow, how does she float in the air like that?