Each class will include free information handouts to take home. All are welcome to “join when you can, for as long as you can.”
The first class is on April 14 in room 310 and covers:
- Climate zones and frost
- Soil and fertilizers
- Crop rotation
- Site selection and bed preparation
- Botany basics
- What to plant: Now, soon, and later
- Seed starting and spacing
- Organic pest control
Here are the agendas for the rest of the classes this summer:
May 12, Room 106:
- What to plant now? Inside, outside, and under cover
- Crop rotation
- Planting and spacing
- Vegetable specifics
- Containers and small space
- Weeding and slugs
- Water smarts
- Pest management
June 9, Room 310:
- What to plant now?
- Tomatoes
- Melons in the NW
- Flowers in the vegetable garden
- Harvesting
July 14, Room 310:
- What to plant now?
- Powder mildew
- When and how to water
- Internet information
- Home orchard and berries
- Herbs
August 11, Room 310:
- What to plant now?
- Figs and kiwi?
- Seed saving
September 8, Room 310:
- What to plant now?
- Green manure
- Site selection and bed preparation
- Getting ready for next year
- Water quality
- Leaves and the wait