Here’s the agenda:
- 6:45-7:00 Snack and shake hands: come early, get to know your neighbors, enjoy a little bite
- 7:00-7:05 Introductions, NBHC updates, reports from the Greater Duwamish District Council and Department of Neighborhoods
- 7:05-7:10 Happening on the Hill/Community Calendar: updates from neighborhood groups and calendar of events
- 7:10-7:15 Green Day Seattle: Dee Dunbar
- 7:15-7:35 Port of Seattle update about airplane noise
- 7:35-8:05 Growth Boundaries: Seattle School District changes to reference school boundaries. School board Director Betty Patu will be there.
- 8:05-8:30 Update regarding Plaza Roberto Maestas from Kate Gill de la Garza, Beacon Development Group
- 8:30-9:00 NBHC Board meets in Beacon Hill Resource Center (open to the public)
The Beacon Hill Library is at 2821 Beacon Avenue South.
Looks like this NBHC meeting might get crowded: El Centro project, school attendance boundaries on the agenda http://t.co/uvD4eiDOxV
BEACON HILL El Centro project, school attendance boundaries on this month’s busy NBHC agenda: Some blistering-… http://t.co/LLiiTPM5NY