The local restaurant hours survey mentioned in the Beacon Hill Blog a few days ago has now closed.
It turns out that the free version of Survey Monkey only allows you to see the results of the first 100 respondents to a survey. So far, 110 people have responded. I’m not prepared to buy the paid Survey Monkey service for this particular exercise, so we’ll have to call it good with the first 100 responses that were received. It’s not perfect, I know, but it still seems like a large enough sample to get a picture of how people in the neighborhood are feeling about later hours at El Quetzal, Victrola, and Kusina Filipina.
My take away from the numbers (which are below) is that there is significant support for El Quetzal to be open later in the evenings. Out of the 100 respondents below, 82 of them strongly agreed or agreed that they would patronize El Quetzal more often in the evening if it stayed open at least an hour later.
There was less consensus among respondents about whether later hours would increase their evening patronage of Victrola and Kusina Filipina: 41% strongly agreed or agreed that they’d patronize Victrola more often in the evening if it stayed open later. About the same number of people felt similarly about Kusina Filipina (40.4%).
A lot more people were neutral about Victrola and Kusina Filipina than they were about El Quetzal. I’m not sure of the best way to read those responses. It seems like maybe they are saying that they aren’t sure whether later hours would affect their evening patronage of these places, but they remain open to the possibility that later hours could make a difference in their behavior.
Conversely, respondents who disagreed or strongly disagreed (and there were some of these folks) seem to be saying that they know pretty clearly that changes in closing times will not affect their behavior, as far as evening patronage of these businesses goes.
Anyway, enough commentary. Here are the questions and the responses.
1. If El Quetzal Mexican Restaurant in Beacon Hill was open until 9pm (or
later) each night, I would patronize it for dinner or drinks more often
than I currently do.
Response Percent | Response Count | |
Strongly Agree | 43% | 43 |
Agree | 39% | 39 |
Neutral | 10% | 10 |
Disagree | 4.0% | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 4% | 4 |
answered question: 100
skipped question: 0
2. If the Beacon Hill Victrola location was open until 9pm (or later) each
night, I would patronize it during evening hours more often than I
currently do.
Response Percent | Response Count | |
Strongly Agree | 18.2% | 18 |
Agree | 23.2% | 23 |
Neutral | 29.3% | 29 |
Disagree | 21.2% | 21 |
Strongly Disagree | 8.1% | 8 |
answered question: 99
skipped question: 1
3. If Kusina Filipina Restaurant in Beacon Hill was open until 9pm (or
later) each night, I would patronize it for dinner more often than I
currently do.
Response Percent | Response Count | |
Strongly Agree | 8.1% | 8 |
Agree | 32.3% | 32 |
Neutral | 38.4% | 38 |
Disagree | 13.1% | 13 |
Strongly Disagree | 8.1% | 8 |
answered question: 99
skipped question: 1
(Thanks to Jake for creating this survey and sending us this write-up of the results. –Ed.)