At 6 p.m. on Friday, March 4, the Jefferson Community Center will be celebrating Dr. Seuss‘s birthday with games and activities, a birthday cake, and actual green eggs and ham! Bring your appetite. The community center is located at 3801 Beacon Avenue South. Cost is $2 per person.
All posts by Jason
Rep. Hasegawa hosts Telephone Town Hall March 2

Car broken into? Report it!
Cat B wrote mentioning a spate of burgled and damaged vehicles near 17th and Bayview over the weekend:
The thieves broke a front window and stole some items from my car parked on 17th Ave S near S Bayview St. A friend’s car was also burglarized in a driveway on 16th Ave S near Bayview and her neighbor’s car was also targeted. I encourage those who were vandalized or burglarized to inform the police for tracking purposes.
We encourage that, too. Call the police and file a report. The non-emergency line is 206-625-5011.
Thanks Cat!
Stabbing and robbery near Beacon and Hanford
The P-I‘s Seattle 911 blog is reporting on a crime that occurred around midnight last night in the 1700 block of South Hanford Street. Two brothers were robbed by a group of four men. One of the brothers was stabbed twice during the robbery and was taken to Harborview for treatment.
Information is pretty sparse, but Casey McNerthney has posted some additional details on Twitter.
Armed man killed by SWAT team
From our news partner The Seattle Times:
…Deputy Police Chief Nick Metz, said that a passer-by called 911 at 2:25 p.m. to report a man slumped over the steering wheel of his car that was parked in the 1400 block of South Atlantic Street. Seattle Fire Department spokeswoman Sue Stangl said that paramedics responded to the scene for a 911 call regarding a man who was possibly ill in a car.
Metz said the firefighters tried to get the man to open the vehicle door, but he refused.
When a firefighter finally got the door opened, the man pulled out a handgun, said Metz. He said that the firefighters backed off and took cover as police were summonded.SWAT officers responded. The man “still had the weapon in his hand,” and the SWAT officers “ordered several times for him to drop the weapon,” he said.
Neighbors were confined to their homes temporarily while investigators worked the scene.
Read more in The Times. And more about the possibility of “suicide by cop.”
11/23 Update: More details on the SPD Blotter blog.
Snow my goodness!
It’s sticking on the street in the middle of the crosswalk (where the cars don’t drive) in front of the library at 6:30 this morning. So far, just little flakes, but coming down steadily. How are things in your part of the hill?
Broadstripe issues resurgent
A flood of messages on the BAN and Beacon Hill neighborhood mailing lists this weekend appear to indicate that over the last several days, widespread connectivity and bandwidth issues have been affecting Broadstripe customers on the hill.
Some neighbors have observed significant packet loss, an issue that has a definite negative effect on data throughput. At 13th and Atlantic, Kevin D. noted when using the website that he was “getting 7% and 8% packet loss regularly. Upwards of 28-31% packet loss as the worst case.”
Amy K., having attended last week’s UPTUN meeting, recommends some people to contact with complaints:
Please send your complaints to Broadstripe and City of Seattle as listed below.
Seattle office: (800) 781-0947
(Monday-Friday) 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. PST
(Saturday) 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST
John Bjorn: jbjorn@broadstripe.comCity of Seattle:
Office of Cable Communications –
Tony Perez:
Residents in Mid- and South Beacon Hill have Qwest DSL options. Most of North Beacon is too far from a “central office” to get adequate DSL service. Clear wireless internet is available throughout the hill, but many residents find it difficult to get adequate reception quality.
(We, too, are Broadstripe internet customers located near Beacon Ave and South Stevens. Our most recent tests at 8:30 pm show 9 Mbit/sec downloads and 2 Mbit/sec uploads via — we’d love to know what your speeds are like and where. Please give it a try yourself and note your results in the comments.)
Beacon Bits: Did you say sushi?

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The Seattle Public Utilities advisory committees for Solid Waste and Water Systems are both seeking south-end volunteers. Apply before November 17th for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, and before November 30 for the Water Systems Advisory Committee.
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UPTUN (Upping Technology for Underserved Neighbors), a broadband equality group working for central and southeast Seattle neighborhoods, hosts its third quarter meeting with Broadstripe, Reclaim the Media, and city representatives at the Central Area Senior Center, 500 30th Avenue South, on Tuesday, November 16 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
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The Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club can do a bit of bragging: member Jeff Covell was part of the team that achieved a first place win at the 2010 USLBA National Lawn Bowling Championships in Sun City, Arizona.
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The November episode of UW 360 on UWTV features Beacon Hill’s “Fisher House,” a residence for families of veterans being treated at the VA hospital nearby.
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Seattle City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen will be at the Beacon Hill library, 2821 Beacon Avenue South, on Saturday the 13th from 1:00 to 2:30pm to speak “informal[ly] yet meaningful[ly] about our city” with residents. He’d “like to hear people’s thoughts regarding next year’s budget, transportation issues, as well as other topics relevant to Seattleites.â€
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United Way of King County is looking for tax preparation volunteers to help weekly at El Centro de la Raza. No experience is necessary and training will be provided. Spanish speakers are especially sought.
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David Schmader at The Stranger loves on Inay’s drag night. And note the remark near the end of the article: “Ernie is open to eventually hosting shows all weekend, but for now his plate is full with food. He’s joining forces with Luis Rodriguez (owner of new and already beloved Beacon Hill coffeehouse the Station) to open Taqueria Frida, situated on the same block as Inay’s and scheduled for a November opening. And he’s in perpetual talks with his friend Dave Nakamura—aka Super Dave, the sushi-chef superhero—to ‘give Beacon Hill the sushi restaurant it deserves.'”
The possibility of the sushi restauranton Beacon Hill was also mentioned briefly in The Stranger‘s Chow column.
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A couple of land use applications were recently filed: Rubberized track, lighting, parking, and a synthetic playing surface for Jefferson Playfield, and Clearwire antennas and microwave dishes to be installed atop a building at 15th and Bayview.
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Volunteer positions are open for the Seattle Design Review Board. Get your application in by December 10th.
Tasha’s Bistro Café closing for business on Sunday
Hampered by current economic conditions, Tasha’s is closing after just over three months in business. From a post in our forums:
It is with great sadness that Tasha’s Bistro Cafe will be closing our doors after breakfast on Sunday, November 7th. We have enjoyed meeting each and every customer over the past several months. Your support has been great, however it is apparent that with the economy, we are unable to sustain our type of restaurant in Beacon Hill without an investor or interested restaurant owner.
More from Tasha in the original post.
Beacon Bits: Stale and crumbly
[Some quickies of varied age and interest. –Ed]
Who’s got the worst storm drain in the city? We do! — Seattle P-I’s Big Blog
Chow Bio of The Station’s Luis Rodriguez in The Stranger.
Inay’s gets a visit from a Seattle Times reviewer.
Former Beaconian Roger Valdez revisits and discusses transit-oriented development and tunnels in the Daily Journal of Commerce.
Angela Garbes of the Seattle Weekly nabbed a bag of peppers from the informal farmers market near the VA.
Blue Scholars ‘mature’ with a show at The Paramount this Wednesday — Matson on Music in The Seattle Times