Mike O’Brien’s Seattle Public Utilities and Neighborhoods Committee (SPUNC) approved Resolution 31204 Tuesday afternoon, moving forward to begin a year of public comment and other work toward finalizing the Neighborhood Plan Updates for North Beacon Hill, North Rainier, and Othello. The full text of the resolution is available here. You can watch the SPUNC meeting online at the Seattle Channel website.
Council members charged the Department of Planning & Development (DPD) and Dept. of Neighborhoods (DoN) with “making everyone happy” by creating an implementation process and urban design guidelines. The resolution calls for extensive community involvement, including continuing outreach to underserved communities.
DPD and DoN will also be offering the opportunity for interested parties to share ideas online. The timeline calls for the development of Action Plans from April to August 2010. Work groups will begin forming to develop Urban Design Framework Plans from June to November 2010.
There is a public meeting scheduled on Friday, May 14 at Asa Mercer Middle School, 1600 South Columbian Way. Â Childcare and translation services will be available. Further information about the meeting will be coming soon.