Crime notes: Headliners

Seattle man [Kino Gomez] skips bail, costs family $100,000Seattle Times Blotter

Beacon Hill teen tells of selling her body on Seattle streetsSeattle P-I

Police Beat: The MomentSlog with the police report from the hair salon robbery last week

Transient sentenced to prison for slaying at homeless campSeattle Times Blotter, Van Truong sentenced for the September 11, 2008 killing of Major Lee Gay in “The Jungle”.

2 thoughts on “Crime notes: Headliners”

  1. Hello! I just found this site and I am glad it exists. I would like to see if there are any active neighborhood watch meetings. I am beyond annoyed and frustrated with the increase of petty and violent crime on Beacon Hill. I am eager to help start a regular meeting to improve our safety in the neighborhood. Please contact at if you have seen anything we need to keep track of. (I work in SODO and have a great contact for the South Precinct whom I plan on calling.) Thanks everyone!

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