The new Lander Festival Street opened yesterday on a sunny Saturday morning, celebrated by members of the community and visiting dignitaries including SDOT Director Grace Crunican and Seattle City Councilmember Sally Clark. The Beaconettes a cappella singing group provided entertainment.
The Festival Street, located at South Lander Street between 16th and 17th avenues South, will serve as an extension of the plaza north of Beacon Hill Station, and provide a space for community festivals and events.
Some photos by Jason (click any one for the entire photoset):
Another photo by Willie Weir and J. Dong.
Does anyone know of any community event scheduled here? Can I plan my own community event? What’s required to use it?
Ash – The use of the street is still a work in progress between the BH Council and the Seattle Dep’t. of Trans. It’s hoped that a Farmer’s Market will be held here. If you’re interested in helping to plan for the Market, Robert Hinrix is the one to contact. Stay posted!
This is also a thank you to those whose hard work made Festival St. possible, with a special shout out to Robert Hinrix and Jodie Vice. And, who didn’t enjoy our own Beaconettes on Saturday! Thanks to all who made this event such a great one.
But other events can be planned for the space too, yes? Not just a potential Farmers’ Market?
If you are interested in holding an event on Lander St, or any other non-arterial street, you need a street use permit from SDOT. More information at the link below, including the “Client Assistance Memo” which will walk you through the process. It is about $176 for the permit. If more than 300 people are expected the approval will take longer as it needs more review.