- 4:00-4:30pm Council members will meet at 14th Avenue South and South Massachusetts Street to meet with Beacon Tower residents and P-Patch volunteers before hopping on their bikes to the light rail station.
- 4:30-5:30pm Walking Tour: meet at Beacon Hill Station (Beacon Avenue South and South Lander Street) at 4:30pm. The walk will go south on Beacon Avenue to Jefferson Park and back. The Council members will stop in for brief visits with business owners and residents along the way.
If you have questions about this walking tour, please contact Steve Louie at steve.louie@seattle.gov or 233-2044, or Esther Handy at esther.handy@seattle.gov or 684-8800.
(Editor’s note — corrected date since original publication. The correct date is Thursday, June 3.)
June 2 is a Wednesday