Starting today and running through the 15th, the Goodwill Job Training and Education Center, just below the north tip of Beacon Hill on Lane Street, will register people for free classes in the eight-week session that runs from October 18 through December 9.
Classes include a Retail and Customer Service Training Program, Community College 101, the National External Diploma Program, and Adult Basic Education classes covering English, computers, reading, writing, math, and cashiering.
Additional classes may be available. For class availability and enrollment information, call (206) 860-5791.
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Workshop participation is limited. Workshop sessions will run Mondays through Thursdays from 6:30 through 9:30 pm. For more information, contact Michael Perrone at 206-861-6260 or email him at
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There are a couple of volunteer work parties scheduled on October 10 to improve local parks. We previously posted about the Maple School Natural Area Invasive Species Removal and Native Planting work party from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm on Sunday. Find out more about that event and RSVP at the website.
Elsewhere on the Hill, the Friends of Lewis Park are also holding a work party at the same time on Sunday. The work will involve planting native trees and shrubs, and removal of invasive plant species such as English Ivy and Himalayan Blackberry. Afterwards, the volunteers will gather for a celebratory party. To find out more and RSVP, see the website.
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Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 16 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm for a North Beacon Town Center Action Team meeting at Beacon Lutheran Church, to help plan the North Beacon Urban Design Framework for the Town Center. We will post more about the meeting as the information becomes available.
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Today NAMSAYIN will announce the release date, time, and location of the “Know Where You Came From” shirt we posted about the other day. Keep an eye on for the announcement. In the meantime, though, you might enjoy this homage to Beacon Avenue and the “ghetto limousine.”
The time for the North Beacon Town Center Action Team meeting was changed according to an email that I just received from DPD. It starts an hour earlier at 9AM and runs until noon. Here is the agenda (sorry about the lack of formatting, I copied it hear as best as I could):
N Beacon Town Center Action Team
October 16, 2010
Beacon Lutheran Church
1720 S Forest St
Meeting Objective: Confirm process for the action team’s work; review and refine draft concepts for the N Beacon Urban Design Framework
Draft Agenda (subject to change)
9:00 Introductions
9:10 Outline of the Day (Lyle Bicknell)
– Review schedule and approach to the action team’s work
– Overview of Urban Design Framework
– What it is and isn’t
– Basic elements to address in N Beacon
9:40 N Beacon Opportunities and Perspectives (10 minutes each)
– Sara Robertson, Transportation issues/opportunities.
– Sound Transit (tent)
10:00 Town Center Walking Tour
11:00 Breakout Groups
– List of questions designed to take the community members to make recommendations taking the earlier panels/sessions into context. (Small group facilitation)
11:45 Report Back
12:00 Next Step/Next Meetings