Bar del Corso oven arrives, and it’s heavy

Beacon Hill sidewalks are no match for six thousand pounds of pizza oven plus a forklift. The new Neapolitan pizza oven at Bar del Corso arrived from Italy on Friday, and while it was being moved into the old Beacon Pub building, the sidewalk behind the building gave way. Luckily, there was no damage to the custom blue oven, and with a sheet of metal placed over the damaged walkway, the oven was able to be moved inside. See lots of photos of the oven, the crushed sidewalk, and the process at Many more photos are on Bar del Corso’s Facebook page.

One thought on “Bar del Corso oven arrives, and it’s heavy”

  1. The Beacon Tavern never broke a sidewalk. šŸ™‚

    Yes, yes, I am deeply conflicted. I welcome the new business, I really do. But I wish they could have rented out the mysterious retail space directly to the south (you know – the venitian blinded “dead zone” that has been there for at least the last twenty years)

    People who rent retail space and don’t use it as retail space, including churches, should be subject to twice the B&O tax – along with their landlords.


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