CenturyLink seeks neighbors to host broadband equipment

Property owners on some parts of Beacon Hill may be able to help improve broadband service for their neighbors by providing space for broadband equipment on their property.

The group Upping Technology for Underserved Neighbors (UPTUN) reports that CenturyLink is seeking neighbors in certain locations who would be willing to allow the company to place a broadband cabinet on their property, or in the public right-of-way next to their property. Each project on Beacon Hill would serve from 175-877 residence and business addresses in the area.

To qualify, you must be within 500 feet of the requested address (see the map below) if the neighborhood is served by overhead wiring, or 250 feet if the service is underground. If you think you can help, contact Jeff Lawrey at CenturyLink at 206-345-0333 or r.lawrey@centurylink.com to discuss the projects, including equipment, landscaping options, and any other questions.

View CenturyLink 2012 Beacon Hill and CD broadband projects in a larger map

2 thoughts on “CenturyLink seeks neighbors to host broadband equipment”

  1. Hey all, if you want to have choices, besides your current cable provider, for high-speed broadband / internet services, speak up now. Without public support for these installations, we will continue being trapped with just cable, and I know plenty of you hate that idea.


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