Classes are Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:45 p.m. Here’s what will be included:
- Oct 15 Zazen: the basics of meditation
- Oct 22 Meditation in motion: walking meditation, working meditation, chanting, tea ceremony
- Oct 29 Roots of Rinzai Zen philosophy: with Abbot Genjo Marinello on the basics of “koan practice” and the role of the “Zen Master”
- Nov 5 Zen Meals: the special place that cooking and eating has in Zen practice and life
- Sunday, Nov 10, 5:00 am- 11:30 am “Mini-Sesshin”: a half-day sampling of what a traditional week-long Zen retreat is like including, chanting, personal interviews with the abbot, a formal meal, meditation, and a Dharma talk
Cost of the series is just $20, or $40 including the half-day on Sunday. All are welcome regardless of ability to pay. Come to one class, or all. For further questions, contact Tobin Fudo Youngs at 425-351-3929.
Zen classes starting next week http://t.co/6ILtvrsqzT
BEACON HILL Zen classes starting next week: Chobo-Ji, Beacon Hill’s Zen Temple, is offering a four-part series… http://t.co/wOj3xBWd0l