Tag Archives: forum

Happenings around the Hill: Fall Festival, Mayor’s forum, and more

The bake sale at last year's Rainier Valley Co-operative Preschool Fall Festival had lots of tasty goods, and this year's should too. Photo by Jason.
There are a few activities (and a cancellation) in the Beacon Hill Blog events calendar over the next few days you may want to take notice of.

Plant and Art Sale at ART’s on Beacon: Today through Saturday, a sale of plants, collectibles, art and antiques at ART’s (we wrote about ART’s in February). The sale runs from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm each day through Saturday. ART’s is located at 4951 13th Avenue South.

Slightly off the Hill in Rainier Beach, Mayor McGinn is hosting a public forum tonight, billed as “an opportunity for residents and business owners to discuss their concerns directly with city leaders.” Police Chief John Diaz will be there too, as will representatives from other city departments. They’ve only scheduled 90 minutes, though—will that be time enough for everyone to gripe? Find out at 6:30 pm at Rainier Beach Community Center, 8825 Rainier Avenue South.

Friday, October 1, the Beacon Merchants Association will meet at Baja Bistro, 2414 Beacon Avenue South. On the agenda this month: finalizing bylaws, and approving the board trainer and the date for board training. The group asks, “Please come, give us your input, and help Beacon Hill business grow strong!”

Saturday the Rainier Valley Co-op Preschool, which is actually up on the Hill at 1720 South Forest Street (near the Library), is holding their Fall Festival and Rummage Sale from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. There will be a DJ Dance Party for kids, a bike parade, a bake sale, a treasure hunt, face painting, and more merriment.

Unfortunately, the Kai-Lan story time which was scheduled for the Beacon Hill Library on Saturday afternoon has been cancelled.

Don’t forget ROCKiT space has an Open Mic on the first and third Saturdays of each month.

Last but certainly not least, don’t forget that Monday is the deadline to apply for free trees for your neighborhood!

How you can be part of the Beacon Hill Blog

You may have noticed recently that we’ve run a few opinion pieces by Beacon Hill neighbors who have something to say. This is just one of the ways you can communicate with your neighbors through the blog and its related activities, and keep up with what’s going on here on Beacon Hill.

Opinion posts are always welcome, on a variety of topics, as long as they are related to Beacon Hill. If you’d like to submit an opinion post, please email us. Non-opinion articles are welcome, as well. Please talk to us about what you are interested in covering. Local meetings and events are great places to start.

If your interests are more in the photojournalism area, consider posting your photos in the Beacon Hill Blog photo pool on Flickr. Photos posted there are considered for publishing in the blog.

The BHB Forum allows you to post on a variety of topics and carry on ongoing conversations with your neighbors. Recent topics posted on the Forum include electric car plug-in sites, finding running partners on the Hill, the Jefferson Park Community Garden, and bicycling with kids. The Forum is a good place to post your help wanted, lost pet, and swap/sell posts, too.

Some folks prefer to interact with their neighbors via email. The Beacon Hill Mailing List has been operating for more than 10 years now, with a large group of neighbors exchanging advice, warnings, recommendations, announcements, and ideas about our neighborhood.

The Beacon Hill Blog Twitter feed is another way to keep up with things. All the blog’s new posts are announced there, as well as other commentary and information on occasion. We also have a Facebook group.

Last but not least, there’s one other way that you can use this blog to communicate with your neighbors on the Hill—by running an ad (or two). You can run picture ads or text ads, for a very low price, that will directly target people who live and/or work on Beacon Hill.

Keep an eye on the BHB forums

If you haven’t visited the Beacon Hill Blog’s forums, you might want to check them out! They are a good place to have ongoing discussions, or post about things you want to buy, sell, or barter.

Here’s what’s currently happening in the forums:

  • Knitters are organizing a stitch ‘n’ bitch
  • Steve has a queen size futon to sell
  • We have a 3 cup rice cooker and a tv to give away
  • Heidi is organizing a toddlers’ play group

…and more! Please check the forums out, and have fun!

Do you have something to say?

I’ve added a forum to the blog (against Jason’s better judgement, I might add). 🙂 This will give us a place where you can post classifieds, story ideas, job listings, and so on. There will now be a Forum link on the menu at the top of each page.

Please try it out. We want to make sure that the software we are using doesn’t slow down the blog too much or cause any other problems. I’m not particularly thrilled with the user interface (it’s awfully busy), so there may be changes ahead.

Of course, you can still comment on each blog post without using the forum. That won’t change.

Feedback is welcome, as always!

Community forum on breaking down housing barriers

“Breaking Down Housing Barriers” is a two part anti-racism community forum to be held on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 6:00 to 9:00 pm, and on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 6:00 to 9:00 pm.

The first part is an education and awareness panel and discussion, which will “focus on issues that prevent people from finding housing including mortgage default, eviction records and criminal histories… (and) also discuss the underlying role racism plays and how it affects people of color trying to secure stable housing in Seattle/King County.”

The second part is an advocacy and action panel, which will “focus on actions community members can take to help make stable housing more accessible to communities of color.”

Both sessions will be at the Eritrean Community Center, at the foot of Beacon Hill and just off Rainier Avenue at 1954 South Massachusetts.

Find more information at the Solid Ground website.

Thanks to Liz Reed Hawk on the BAN list.