Tag Archives: activism

Occupy Beacon Hill to picket Chase Bank in Othello today

Activists have formed a local group, Occupy Beacon Hill, which will be picketing Chase Bank in the Othello neighborhood today at 4 p.m. as part of a national Occupy protest action against Chase.

March 13 was chosen for the date of the protest as it is Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s birthday, as well as the court date for the “Chase 5”: members of Occupy Seattle who chained themselves inside the Broadway Chase branch and were arrested.

Occupy Beacon Hill will protest the Chase branch located at 7100 Martin Luther King Junior Way South, between Myrtle and Othello, next to Othello Station. For more information, call 206-203-2125.

Students march for peace and justice this Friday

Illustration by Dave McKeague.
Illustration by Dave McKeague.
Sheba Burney-Jones sends the following notice about a nearby event Beacon Hillians might be interested in:

Join Giddens School students and others for a Central Area STUDENT MARCH FOR PEACE & JUSTICE in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Friday, January 16th, 10 a.m. – noon. What would Dr. King say to President Obama?

“Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so Obama could run. Obama’s running so we all can fly.” -rapper, Jay-Z

March from Judkins Park to the Northwest African American Museum. Rally there at 11 with the Honorable Harold Moss, former Tacoma Mayor and civil rights activist, student speakers from Giddens and Garfield High, and songs led by musical director Kent Stevenson. Giddens students organized the march, reaching out to neighboring Central Area schools and others to join them. A number of schools – Lake Washington Girls Middle, Zion Prep, First Place, Seattle Girls School, Leschi Elementary, and King Street Coop – are on board or have expressed interest in attending. The march commemorates the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and is a reminder that the struggle for peace and justice is never-ending as long as war, poverty, and other inequities exist in the world. Come join us!

For more information, contact Sheba at sburney-jones@giddensschool.org.

Community forum on breaking down housing barriers

“Breaking Down Housing Barriers” is a two part anti-racism community forum to be held on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 6:00 to 9:00 pm, and on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 6:00 to 9:00 pm.

The first part is an education and awareness panel and discussion, which will “focus on issues that prevent people from finding housing including mortgage default, eviction records and criminal histories… (and) also discuss the underlying role racism plays and how it affects people of color trying to secure stable housing in Seattle/King County.”

The second part is an advocacy and action panel, which will “focus on actions community members can take to help make stable housing more accessible to communities of color.”

Both sessions will be at the Eritrean Community Center, at the foot of Beacon Hill and just off Rainier Avenue at 1954 South Massachusetts.

Find more information at the Solid Ground website.

Thanks to Liz Reed Hawk on the BAN list.