I love that I can get a cappuccino like this only 5 minutes' walk from home! Photo by Wendi.The Ms. Adventures in Italy blog had a post the other day, “Five Things I Love About San Francisco.” She invited readers to post their own “Five Things I Love About _______” lists on their own blogs. I started thinking about what I love about Seattle, and then thought “hey, why not Beacon Hill?”
So I ask you all, what are the five things you love about Beacon Hill? Please post in the comments. If you have photos, please email them to us or put them in the Beacon Hill Blog photo pool at Flickr.
I’ll get things started with my list. I live in North Beacon so this might be biased toward that area:
The light rail that will be serving us in less than a year!
The lovely old Craftsman bungalows that haven’t been “remuddled” beyond all recognition
The tasty food and drink available on Beacon Avenue these days (particularly El Quetzal and Victrola)
The new library: beautiful, and full of the best things in the world: books!