Seattle Public Utilities hosts a Graffiti Prevention & Removal site that includes instructions on reporting graffiti (by phone or online), tips on removing graffiti, volunteering on a “Red Wagon Program” neighborhood graffiti clean-up and paint-out crew (for which free supplies are available from the city), waivers for private property owners (PDF) to receive Red Wagon graffiti removal, and numerous additional tips to prevent graffiti.
We’re working with our neighborhood news partners through the Seattle Times to find out more about graffiti issues around Beacon Hill and the rest of the city, and we’d like your input.
- Where do you find graffiti to commonly be a problem on the Hill?
- Have you volunteered on a Red Wagon patrol?
- Do you have an experience dealing with graffiti you’d like to share?
- Have you found the police to be responsive to reports of vandalism in-progress?
- Do you know what gangs are tagging in your area?
- Is there more that the city should do to combat and clean up graffiti?
We’d love to pass along your comments, tips, and questions. Thank you!
The city has a Graffiti Nuisance Ordinance that requires property owners to remove graffiti in a timely manner or be subject to fines. If your property is vandalized by graffiti, take photos before removing it and make a police report to (206) 625-5011. The photos may be useful for the police to track gangs and for insurance reimbursement purposes. SPU has a “Paint it out” PDF brochure with information to print and keep for reference.
Some of SPU’s tips include:
- Install motion-sensor lighting.
- Grow vines or vegetation to cover unpainted retaining walls.
- Install a graffiti-resistant coating on your walls.
- Keep matching paint on hand to quickly paint out graffiti.
- Install cameras to monitor activity on your property.
Thanks to Christine Cole who shared the SPU link with the BAN list a week or two ago.