- 1/5, 5:30pm near 38th and Myrtle — Resident arrived home but just before going in saw a light come on inside when no one should be inside. Police caught one suspect behind the building, four more uninvited guests held within.
- 1/7, 11:00am near 28th and Juneau — A U-Haul truck pulled up and two men went inside a house where normally the occupants are away during the day. One of the men let himself in through a window.
- 1/8, 1pm near 24th and Walker — Beige Volvo stolen.
- 1/8, 4:30pm near 17th and Spokane — Silent burglar alarm.
- 1/11, 8:30pm near 19th and Lucile — Owner confronted a burglar in his backyard.
- 1/12, 12:30pm near 18th and Bennett — Someone apparently casing homes.
- 1/12, 1:45pm near 37th and Austin — Resident came home to apparent forced-entry burglary.
- 1/13, 11:30am near 19th and Hanford– Burglar alarm, back window broken out. Suspects apprehended at the library.
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Pity our poor Dominos drivers: The Unluckiest Delivery Driver in Seattle — SeattleCrime.com
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Cari wrote hoping someone might be able to help track down whomever busted into their house earlier this week:
My husband David and I moved to the area in October — love the neighborhood and how quiet it seemed around here…
[Monday] between 1pm and 8pm someone threw a rock through our back door and tore the house apart looking for cash. If anyone saw anyone coming or going from our house (bright orange house on SW corner of 19th and Waite) between those hours please call me or comment back to the blog. The police said there’s been an increase in this type of crime in the area lately, so obviously we’re not the only ones with this misfortune.Also, I work from home several days each week and walk my dog, and keep an eye on the area — if others are home during the day and want to organize a daytime blockwatch, please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing people again when the weather gets better – the block party in October was fun.
As Cari said, you can leave your information here, or call her directly at 206-234-5102.