(Updated to add information about the Seattle Weekly review—Ed.)
Bethany Jean Clement of The Stranger made her way to Beacon Hill’s Bar del Corso recently for a review. She contrasts the site’s former existence as dive bar The Beacon Pub to the newly brightened-up pizza establishment that replaced it (“pizza parlor,” with its overtones of Shakey’s, doesn’t seem to be the right term for this type of modern-Seattle-by-way-of-Naples restaurant), name-checks other Hill stalwarts such as Inay’s and Baja Bistro, and brings up the “G word”: gentrification.
Read the review at The Stranger, and tell us what you think here in the comments.
Seattle Weekly‘s Hanna Raskin also visited Bar del Corso recently and had good things to say, particularly about the pizza crust:
“At Bar del Corso, former Betty pasta maestro Jerry Corso has provided Beacon Hill with a neighborhood-defining pizza crust, and residents are so thrilled that it’s not uncommon for customers at the new restaurant to encounter an hour-long wait on a weeknight.”
Raskin’s review is here. What do you think?