Not enough? The Musik Lounge has a Q&A with Helladope, too!
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Seattle City Light is in the process of testing various types of LED streetlamps in pilot neighborhoods, seeking to bring more reliable, more efficient, and longer-lasting lighting to your street.
Follow the progress of City Light’s LED testing program online. West Seattle Blog has a bit more. This program has been a long time coming. Capitol Hill Seattle talked about it almost a year ago.
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At 6pm on Friday, March 5th, the Jefferson Community Center will be celebrating Dr. Seuss‘s birthday with a movie, crafts for kids, and actual green eggs and ham! Bring your appetite. The community center is located at 3801 Beacon Avenue South.
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Not a novelty color, but the next evening, Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church is again hosting its annual Sukiyaki Dinner, benefiting homeless women and children. Dining hours start at 4pm and end at 7. Take out hours run from 2 to 7pm. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children 11 and under. Blaine Memorial is located at 3001 24th Avenue South.
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Late addition: Jefferson Community Center hosts the 3rd annual Black History Month Community Forum. Organized by the local chapter of Blacks in Government, the theme is “surviving and thriving in a down economy”. City Council members Bruce Harrell and Sally Clark, Langston Hughes Executive Director Royal Alley-Barnes, and Kitsap County Auditor Walt Washington are on the list to speak. It runs from 6:30 to 8:30pm tomorrow night (Thursday) at 3801 Beacon Avenue South. — Via Publicola