News photographer Eric Jensen of KOMO (Beacon Hill Blog news partners) shot this footage of the effects of heavy rain around Swift Avenue South and South Graham Street this morning:
Tag Archives: video
Beacon Bits: Bees, bandwidth, and Buddhist temple fire
Temple fire — The February 9th fire at the Buddhist temple on South Juneau Street near MLK resulted from a furnace malfunction and caused an estimated $75,000 in damage and displaced several people, but thankfully resulted in no injuries.
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Slow video — Perhaps the most obvious sign that your broadband isn’t quite up-to-snuff is that streaming video stuh-stuh-stutters and re-buffers repeatedly. Sometimes this isn’t entirely an effect of the quality of the lines or the speed your provider is capable of providing to you; sometimes it’s the result of your ISP deciding that, rather than spend the money to improve its switching and delivery infrastructure, it will instead artificially limit how fast you’re allowed to receive high-bandwidth content like internet video. Google now provides a little insight into this situation with YouTube Video Speed History graphs, showing the average delivery speed for YouTube videos to your ISP (and, if you visit YouTube enough, your IP address) compared to the average speed for your city, state, country, and the world.
From BoingBoing via Joel Lee. Thanks Joel!
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Local honey — Spotted on Craigslist:
…I keep bees. I have honey for sale. This is pure, raw, unfiltered honey. It has never been above bee hive temperature, it has never had anything added, and it has local Beacon Hill pollen in it. It is DELICIOUS! (If I do say so myself). I have two kinds: a lighter honey which is mostly maple and mild in flavor, and a dark fall honey which is complicated in flavor and almost spicy. If you plan to buy a bottle or two, I do have a sample jar of each so you can taste it before you buy it and decide which you like best. 🙂 Comes in 8oz oval squeeze bottles. $6/bottle. Providing your phone number will make it faster to arrange pick up.
The only contact information provided is the Craigslist reply email.
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Food health inspections — The Health Department inspected a number of north Beacon Hill establishments recently, visiting Amazon, the Amazon coffee shop, El Delicioso (inside ABC Market), La Bendicion, La Cabaña, Chinatown Cafe #12 (inside the Red Apple), and Golden Daisy. Special congratulations to La Cabaña and the Amazon coffee shop for a perfect zero-violation scores. Anyone know if the Amazon coffee shop is open to the public?
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Attention on appeals — Publicola points back here, covering the Hearing Examiner appeal strategy and the opposition to it.
Snowmageddon noon-hour video review
Below are time-lapse movies of the south end of the Stevens Place triangle park, squeezed down to about a minute per hour, taken during the hour between 12:00pm and 1:00pm each day from December 13th through December 28th.
It’s interesting to watch the evolution of the snow. It starts so innocently. (Click the “More” link for following two weeks of video.)
Halloween Beacon Bits: BRAAAAINS… and Jamie Moyer

- This Halloween, it is very important to Know Your Zombies and keep your brain safe from zombie attack! Southeast Seattle residents Lee and Sachi LeFever made a great little video explaining Zombies in Plain English — Columbia City Blog
- The SPD has safety tips for trick-or-treaters and those of us who give out the candy (including suggesting that kids only go out in the daytime if they aren’t accompanied by an adult — does anyone actually do that? Often no one’s home to give out the candy then!) — Rainier Valley Post
- Again in the RVP, a great column about the value in Halloween’s “hokey rituals” — Rainier Valley Post
- Not Halloweeny, but this made me smile: a heartwarming post and screen capture, at least for us Mariners fans — Seattlest