Beacon Hill families take note: Jefferson and Van Asselt community centers both have Halloween activities planned for neighborhood kids later this month, including a haunted house, a flashlight hunt, and carnivals.
Jefferson Community Center (3801 Beacon Ave. S.) will welcome kids aged 12 and under to their Halloween Carnival and Haunted House on Friday, October 26, from 6-7:30 p.m. They promise “scary fun.” Costumes are encouraged. The event costs 25 cents per game, and $1 per person for the haunted house.
Further south, Van Asselt Community Center (2820 S Myrtle St.) is holding a Teen Halloween Flashlight Hunt and Carnival for kids aged 10-17 on Monday, October 29, from 7-8 p.m. The evening will include carnival games and activities. Admission is free.
This weekend Beacon Hill will celebrate holiday festivals, live music and food, a grand opening of a neighborhood amenity, and a closing of a neighborhood institution.
Jefferson Community Center (3801 Beacon Ave. S.) is also hosting a Fall Festival and Haunted House for kids 11 and under (the haunted house is for older kids, per parents’ judgment). There will be games for 25 cents each or 5/$1, and the haunted house admission is $1.
For both festivals, kids should dress in their best costumes, and bring a bag to collect treats and prizes.
Afterwards, head down Beacon Avenue to the first Beacon Boogie, a celebration of food, art, and music. See five bands at five different venues for the grand total of five dollars (free for kids 12 and under), as well as enjoying great food and art from Beacon restaurants, artists, and galleries. See the event schedule here.
The church community gathered in the unfinished sanctuary of the new Beacon Lutheran Church in Spring, 1949. Photo courtesy of Beacon Lutheran Church via John Graham.
Jefferson Community Center will be haunted on October 28. Photo by Wendi.Both community centers on Beacon Hill have scheduled Halloween festivities for Friday, October 28, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Van Asselt Community Center (2820 S. Myrtle St.) is hosting a free Halloween Carnival that evening for kids aged 12 and under. Games and goodies are promised for the carnival guests. Wear a costume, and bring a bag or basket to collect treats and prizes. Refreshments will be available for sale.
Jefferson Community Center (3801 Beacon Ave. S.) is holding their own Fall Festival and Haunted House for kids 11 and under (the haunted house is for older kids, per parents’ judgment). Games will be 25 cents each or 5/$1, and the haunted house admission is $1. As at the Van Asselt festival, guests should dress in their best costumes and bring a bag or basket for treats.
The last few weeks have been good for photographers on Beacon Hill, many of whom have been adding wonderful photos to the Beacon Hill Blog photo pool on Flickr. Here are some of the amazing Beacon Hill images from October. Your photos are welcome in the pool as well, and we’d especially like to see your views of the newly opened Jefferson Park.
Photo by Bridget Christian.Roasted corn from MacPherson's. Photo by Joel Lee.Raccoons are common visitors to Beacon Hill yards. Photo by Bridget Christian.On October 29, Joel Lee took this photo of the Lander Festival Street in a morning fog.The Chief Sealth Trail extension is now under construction from Beacon Avenue to 15th Avenue South. Photo by kashgroves.Strange Halloween decorations in a Beacon Hill yard. Photo by Melissa Jonas.El Centro de la Raza in the fog. Photo by Joel Lee.
Photo by TheCulinaryGeek via Creative Commons.Tasha’s is offering free breakfast to kids in costume today (Halloween). Â The kids’ menu has tasty treats for every little monster’s palate, and the family-owned business welcomes children of all ages. Mom and Dad might want to prepare for a long day by enjoying one of Tasha’s mimosas with breakfast.
Head to El Centro on Monday for the opening ceremony for DÃa de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). The Ofrendas (altars) are always amazing, and this event is a wonderful combination of solemn and festive celebration of those who have passed on.
Here are a few tips to keep your monsters safe while they’re being spooky (from the Centers for Disease Control—experts on scary!)
Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult.
Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you.
Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible.
Only walk on sidewalks or on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe.
Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls.
Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats unless you know the cook well.
Enter homes only if you’re with a trusted adult. Otherwise, stay outside.
It's that time of year again -- time for all little ghosties to celebrate Halloween! Photo by Paul Sapiano via Creative Commons.Seattle Parks and Recreation is hosting Halloween events for kids at our local community centers on Beacon Hill.
Jefferson Community Center will have a Halloween Howl and Carnival on Friday, October 22 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, with games, goodies, prizes, a haunted house, and more. Costumes are optional, but encouraged, and the event is for children of all ages. Admission is free but carnival tickets are 25 cents each. The JCC is also holding a Toddler Trick-or-Treat day on Thursday, October 21 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. The little ones can dress up, play games, then enjoy “tot time” in the gym. The toddler event is $2 per child. For more information, call 206-684-7481. Jefferson Community Center is located at 3801 Beacon Avenue South.
Van Asselt Community Center is hosting a Fall Harvest Festival for kids up to age 12 on Friday, October 29, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. They tell us it’s a “safe evening of games and goodies.” Kids can celebrate by wearing costumes and bringing a goodie bag or basket (optional). There is no fee for the event. Van Asselt Community Center is located at 2820 South Myrtle Street. For more information, call 206-386-1921.
Performances are every Friday night at 7:30 pm. Families are welcome. There is no cover charge. The first performance is October 22, with Jack LeNoir and Betty Jean playing jazz standards, eclectic rock and original music.
Sustainable South Seattle (S3) is hosting a Climate Co-op Workshop to share ideas about how we can work together as a community to save money, improve our neighborhood and do our part to take care of the planet for our children. Guest Speakers at the workshop include Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith, Brooks Kolb, Michael Murphy, and others.
The forum is on Wednesday, October 20, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Southside Commons, 3518 South Edmunds Street in Columbia City, just a block and a half away from Columbia City Station. Please RSVP to If you need language assistance please say which language within the email. Childcare will be available.
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The NAMSAYIN Beacon Hill shirts sold out on Sunday at Deli. You can see some of the happy buyers here, including BHB‘s own Jason. Stay tuned to the blog for some shirt giveaways, once we come up with a good contest idea or two!
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Laura Feinstein writes,
I’m hoping you will post a request to our south end neighbors to consider applying for a position on one of the citizen advisory committees that that city hosts. I am a member of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and I am the only member from the south end of Seattle (south of I-90). Our part of the city is very under-represented. This is a way to weigh-in on key city decisions.
Application information is here and if you miss the October 15 deadline, send your application anyway… they will likely consider late applications.
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Speaking of civic responsibility, ballots for the General Election should be arriving in your mailbox any day now. Please vote thoughtfully, and don’t forget to mail the ballot in before it’s too late! Nice shoes! Photo by Theresa Thompson via Creative Commons.
Dog-o-ween 2008's Most Original winner Sasha as The Center of the Universe. Photo from for Off Leash Areas hosts “Dog-o-ween 2009” at the Genesee Park off-leash area today. Well, now. From 11am to 2pm.
Jefferson Community Center is hosting a Toddler Trick or Treat on Thursday and a Halloween Howl and Carnival on Friday. For more information, check the events page.
If you missed the Student Conservation Association and Boeing employee volunteer event in the Cheasty Greenspace today, there’s another chance coming up on November 7th for Green Seattle Day.
We at the Beacon Hill Blog are still recovering from Halloween. No, not from drinking or eating candy, but from staying up late with friends, playing Rock Band 2. At any rate, we’re curious. Did you all get trick-or-treaters? How many?
We must have had over 100 in our part of North Beacon, considering how much candy we went through. Unfortunately, a very large number were teenage kids, not in costume, putting candy in their backpacks or pockets. I asked the first group of kids who showed up sans costume what they were dressed as. The kid in front said, “a thug.” I am not kidding. That group was pretty polite, though. It was another group of kids that stole one of our decorations. And there was also a teenage boy who, after I gave him candy, pushed forward, stuck his hand into the candy dish, grabbed a huge handful of additional candy and ran off. I learned to hold the bowl away from the kids after that. We ran out of candy before the final trick-or-treaters showed up, and we had bought a lot of it.
The cute little kids in costume made up for the bad taste left by the older kids, who are really too old for this. Though I wouldn’t mind if they’d dress up for it.
Photo of the Brew-House by e. resThis is the second (and last) weekend of the Haunted Brew House Tour at the Rainier Cold Storage Brew-House, just down the hill in Georgetown. The 1903 brewery, once the sixth largest beer-producer in the world, will come to life with members of Ensemble Sub Masa and Annex Theatre bringing the spooky fun. Tickets and info here. The Brew-House is at 5900 Airport Way South.