Tag Archives: wheelchair

Help find a stolen wheelchair

The missing chair is this model, in all-black
The missing chair is this model, in all-black
Neighbor Erin Musser’s wheelchair was stolen as she picked up her son from school last week. She writes:

My name is Erin Musser and my family and I have lived on North Beacon Hill for over 12 years. I rode my power wheelchair as usual to pick my 6 year old son up from Beacon Hill International School at 4:45 pm on Friday, May 8. I signed him out, descended the dozen or so stairs balancing myself with a cane and was puzzled when my chair wasn’t there.

I called the police and 2 different squad cars came after making a few sweeps around the neighborhood to no avail. I spoke with one of the teachers who said he saw my chair heading north on 13th Ave South ridden by a young male with dark curly hair and dark skin. He could only see a short tuft of curly dark hair above the back of the seat which indicated the alleged suspect was most likely fairly young.

The entirely black chair is a Jazzy Power Chair Model 1122.

Any information can be e-mailed to me at: epoly@aol.com or you may call our home number at (206) 860-6928. Thank you for any leads you can give.

KIRO TV has a video report.

Thanks Sara for the video link.