- El Quetzal has expanded their dining room
- Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church hosts an Asian Craft Fair, May 9th from 10 to 4
- Also craft-related, Ayame Kai’s 28th Annual Holiday Craft Fair is accepting applications for crafters for the November 21, 2009 fair. Screening of applicants begins in June. Email for details.
- La Bendicion Tienda Mexicana‘s delicious hand-made tamales get a mention in Voracious
- Jose Rizal Park is featured in the Photographer’s guide to Seattle
- Slog talks about the problems malls are facing and the Goodwill development project on Dearborn — Update: Project canceled?
- Amazon‘s departure from the Hill and their curious poor attendance at their South Lake Union groundbreaking in TechFlash and The Times
- Busking Journey, a hitchhiking-and-busking odyssey, wraps up with a stop in Beacon Hill
(Post edited from earlier version to remove story that wasn’t actually about Beacon Hill — we misread it. Sorry! — Ed.)
Does anyone know when Amazon will be moving out of Pac Med and who may be moving in? I’d guess they have pretty good broadband access.
At the risk of sounding un-PC, I welcome a Target on Dearborn. I barely use my car but I do have to dust it off every couple of weeks to make a Target run out to W. Seattle. I’d gladly hoof it down the hill or bus half-way to this new Target.
Honestly? I would too. I do NOT want a typical suburban one that has a one-story store surrounded by a parking lot, but that’s not what is going to be built here. I am OK with it.
It may be moot: http://smarterneighbors.com/2009/04/23/goodwills-dearborn-street-project-cancelled/
I’m dissapointed that the project was cancelled, if that is the final decision. THis seemed to be a great solution to put Goodwill into a better facility and add some jobs and housing to an underutilized block. I thought the arguments against the project were generally bogus, particularly the stink over the street vacating process for something that bears no resemblance to a “street”, but rather is simply an access point for the existing Goodwill facility which would be mitigated as part of the improved facility.
However, it sounds like some of the project’s opponents have a plan in the works to develop the site themselves, as suggested by this quote:
“We have also developed an alternative site proposal that we have shared with Goodwill, and we believe to be not only viable, but a better deal for the community, Goodwill and the City.”
This is great and falls right in line with my theory that if you think something sucks so bad maybe you should have come up with a better plan and some money first and done it yourself. Good luck to them.
I am delighted the project was canceled. I believe it would be a threat to the neighborhood, and eventually run all the current businesses near and around Goodwill undercover. Goodwill doesn’t need a newer building to get my patronage and Target doesn’t need to be selling me Martha Stewart approved spatulas.
But Goodwill does need a new building. The old one is in such terrible shape that it pretty much has to be replaced fairly soon now and will cost Goodwill a lot of money to try to maintain in the meantime (at least, that’s what I’ve heard). And Goodwill has a lot better things they should be spending their money on — the services they provide.