- El Quetzal has expanded their dining room
- Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church hosts an Asian Craft Fair, May 9th from 10 to 4
- Also craft-related, Ayame Kai’s 28th Annual Holiday Craft Fair is accepting applications for crafters for the November 21, 2009 fair. Screening of applicants begins in June. Email for details.
- La Bendicion Tienda Mexicana‘s delicious hand-made tamales get a mention in Voracious
- Jose Rizal Park is featured in the Photographer’s guide to Seattle
- Slog talks about the problems malls are facing and the Goodwill development project on Dearborn — Update: Project canceled?
- Amazon‘s departure from the Hill and their curious poor attendance at their South Lake Union groundbreaking in TechFlash and The Times
- Busking Journey, a hitchhiking-and-busking odyssey, wraps up with a stop in Beacon Hill
(Post edited from earlier version to remove story that wasn’t actually about Beacon Hill — we misread it. Sorry! — Ed.)