This Saturday’s
ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Lander Festival Street will include entertainment by the Beaconettes
a cappella group. On Friday, December 4 at 6:00 pm, the Beaconettes will also compete in the
23rd Annual Great Figgy Pudding Street Corner Caroling Competition near Westlake Center. The event is a fundraiser for Pike Market Senior Center and the Downtown Food Bank.
You can cheer on the neighborhood representatives in person on Friday, or vote with your charitable donations online.
The Beaconettes won “Best New Figgy” last year. Team member Betty Jean Williamson tells us, “This year we are going for most creative and adding costumes.” You can see performances by the Beaconettes on their YouTube channel, including “God Bless Our Ferries, Gentlemen” and “O Come, All Commuters.”
Thanks to Betty Jean!