Update: Missed one while assembling this post:
5:30pm Wednesday (tomorrow) at the Beacon Hill Library: SDOT community open house regarding the planned changes for Columbian Way between Beacon Avenue South and 15th Avenue South.
6:30pm Thursday at the Beacon Hill Library Community Room: North Beacon Hill Council potluck and December meeting.
10:00am Saturday next to the Beacon Hill light rail station on Lander Street: Festival Street ribbon cutting ceremony — free doughnuts and politicians!
1:00pm Saturday at the Central Area Senior Center: Broadstripe is to report on their February promises to the 30th Ave Neighbors group on the status of their recent service upgrades. Beacon Hill Broadstripe customers might also be interested in attending. Via Central District News
7:00pm next Wednesday (the 9th) at the Jefferson Community Center: Follow-up meeting with Seattle City Light regarding the new power lines going up the west side of the hill and the new higher poles running along South Stevens Street. Seattle City Light Superintendent Jorge Carrasco is expected to present remediation options to the nearby affected neighbors.
Check the event calendar for more.
Details and graphics on the Columbian Way improvements:
Also: An SPS meeting about Cleveland becoming a science magnet school.
Community Outreach Meeting
December 5, 2009 (Saturday)
Cleveland High School Commons
9:00-10:30 AM
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, fields that are the underpinnings of modern life. Seattle’s School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) at Cleveland High School will give students the opportunity for rigorous and advanced study in these fields.
Thanks for reminding me, JvA! I’ve got that one just about ready to post.