We recently talked to Kris Coty and Laurie Lusko, who run the pub, and they confirmed that they are moving the business to Hillman City, where it will reopen as the nautical-themed “Orcas Landing.” (Lusko’s Hillman City goal is “to make Columbia City jealous,” she told Seattle Met.) They expect the last day in business on Beacon Avenue to be in October or November. Basically, they say, they lost their lease because the landlord situation changed recently with the death of the building’s owner, and the current landlord is not interested in having a pub in that space.
This is heartbreaking. Beacon Pub is one of the best things about this neighborhood!
Yeah, really disappointing.
Golly, I hope they rent it to a church. Or maybe another tax accountant or hair stylist. We can never get enough of those in the business district.
Wow!! I’ve had so many great times there. The current land lord is definetly now on my sh!t list. I was at least hoping that another pub would have the potential to open up there. It’s been great staying on the hill for a beers and fun. Looks like thats going away. Major Bummer!!
My understanding is that the pizza restaurant is moving in there. But don’t blame them for the pub moving.
I’ve heard nothing but bad things about the property manager for that building. I had hoped that a change of ownership meant a change of management, but it doesn’t sound like that is the case. I hope the pizza place is successful, and has beer to go with the pizza of course.
I actually think this says good things about the property manager. Sure, it was nice to have a pub on the hill and Beacon Pub certainly has a lot of character and atmosphere. But it doesn’t have good food and isn’t exactly in great upkeep. I’m hoping this move shows the landlord is dedicated to improving the property and, in turn, improving the neighborhood.
Jay, in a different scenario I might agree with you but not in this specific case. The artists studio occupying the double-wide storefront space next to the pub is where the pizza joint should be going. However, in the past the property manager has made it clear that the artist won’t be displaced, even though there have been offers. I have nothing against artists and put no blame directly on the artist for staying there as long as allowed, but that space is sorely underutilized and the perceived vacancy drags down the surrounding businesses.
I’m curious to know what improvements the landlord is actually making for the new restaurant or if it will all fall on the new tenant. If this move is actually coming with some significant owner investment, it might change my opinion.
It’s possible that the artist occupying the space next to the pub intentionally makes it look as if no one is there because there has been some incidents of crime and break ins on that block. Keeping a low-profile would be to their advantage. It would love for that little section to improve just a tad more and for the storefront windows of the building to all be open, creating a more community-friendly atmosphere. As long as Beacon Hill remains a Starbucks-free zone!
I don’t think the artists’ studio would be such a concern if the blinds were actually open once in a while. It’s very unfriendly to the street to just be that blank window all the time. Consider the print shop further south, in which you can see them at work, and see the printing equipment all the time. It’s not exactly a “walk-in retail” shop, but it is nice to walk by because it’s not just a blank wall.
Has anyone ever seen inside that place? Is there a reason they have to keep the blinds closed? If not, maybe someone could talk to them or the property manager about doing something to make it less of a dead spot on the street.
Kris and Laurie told us that the pub’s landlord is asking for $40,000 in repairs to the building, largely restoration of fir flooring, but they (K&L) dispute this because they say the current floor damage was there when they moved in.
I recall seeing the artists studio open once in more than 10 years. It was open, including window shades, for what seemed like a private event. If it was some sort of gallery, etc it would be fine, but having the blinds shut gives the impression of a vacant building. I only learned it was an artists studio through other tenants of the building.
The $40k bill sounds like par for the course for that landlord. When the owner of the former salon business(now the bike shop) moved out, she was forced to remove all of the plumbing fixtures associated with the salon, even though they were there when she moved in. I told her to fight it, but it was easier to just do the work. I’d bet a pizza at the new restaurant that a minimal amount of that $40k goes into actually repairing whatever was allegedly damaged.
What sort of art do they do in there? It’s kind of unusual for an artist to have a studio without having natural light! It would drive me nuts to work in there. 🙂
Beacon Girl, having their blinds always closed might make them feel safer, but paradoxically, makes that street in general less so because there are fewer “eyes on the street.”
It is very bittersweet to have the pub moving and being replaced by a pizza place. My concern is the viability of the pizza place. They are advertising fundraising events to help raise the remaining 1/3 of the money needed to open up the place. Don’t know exactly how much is needed, but they do say for amounts $50,000 and over you can discuss part ownership. They will only be open evenings to begin with and I worry it might not be enough to sustain the business. Also, what if the fundraising is not successful – do we end up with another empty storefront? I guess time will tell.
If anyone is concerned about the viability of the pizza place, I suggest you get in touch with them. Go to a fundraiser. Taste the pizza (it’s delicious). Learn about their plan. Support them. It will only be good for the neighborhood.
I am glad the pub is moving. We need more of this kind of business on Beacon Hill and we need BETTER QUALITY pubs/bars/restaurants here as well. The pub was good only in that it provided a badly needed option but it fell short on quality and ambiance..
The closing of the Beacon Pub is more than just another business closing. It is a loss to the Beacon Community as it is a pillar in the neighborhood. Beacon Hill is a historical Seattle neighborhood, and one of its core values is racial diversity. To know the pub is to know that it represents the multiculturalism of the people in the neighborhood. Even with the reverse white-flight, increased affluence, sky-rocketing property/tax/rent prices, and the decrease in minority groups that have multigenerational ties to the this area, the Pub has embraced these changes and its patrons continue to be a reflection of people who live in the community. Losing the pub is a significant step closer to gentrification and the death of Beacon Hill diversity. The neighborhood can benefit from new businesses, such as a cool pizza joint, but not at the expense of losing the Pub.
For the neighborhood population that is unconverted and has not attended, I encourage you to venture in sometime. Order a microbrew from Josh(or a Rainier), Get a home-make Pizza from Ashli, Shoot some stick with Earl, send a good luck to Adam & Maria as they train for the STP, and thank Susan for organizing and hosting the friendly game of Trivia every Wednesdays at 7pm. King Mark is the reigning trivia champ and is in need of new competition.
Thank you, thank you Beacon Hill, for sending your good vibes on down to the valley. We have often been jealous of the pub – now we will be just down the street from a great new place! Visit us anytime in the HC…
what a disappointment. The Beacon Pub was a holdout to the pre-gentrification era. A friend told me that it used to be a leather dyke bar, ‘back in the day’–wish it still was, for my own sake. Not everyone on here is white, middle-class, or interested in “better” pubs. I’d take the Beacon as it stands, any day. Cheap drinks, good service, and good company.
Please do come meet us and see that we are genuine Beacon Hillers who are working hard to make good in our neighborhood. We don’t like to lose another small business either, especially one that has been a Beacon Hill mainstay. We wish Laurie tons of luck in the new place, just as she has extended to us. While we know that we can’t replace the Pub, which is so much fun and always welcoming, Bar del Corso will be a warm and inviting spot. We are also completely serious about what we are doing, have a good plan in place and are endlessly grateful for the support of our neighbors.
And yes, there will be beer!
Is there any word on when the pub’s last day open will be?
Hi. The Beacon Pub is (was) one of the few bars in Seattle that I have not been to. Can anyone confirm if they are closed?
I’m always saddened to see really old bars like this go. I have a kind of hobby of compiling info on Seattle bars, so if anyone sees this late comment and has any info on the leather bar days etc., I’d love to hear them. I’ve found the “Beacon Tavern” at this address dating back to at least as far back as 1948. If anyone has an email address for the owners or anyone else who might know how old the place is, I’d love to follow up.
I don’t think they have closed just yet, but perhaps someone can confirm. Last time I went by they were still open, but it was a couple of weeks ago, I think.
When is Orca’s Landing set to open? We happened upon the Beacon Pub one night last year and had a blast with this cherished neighborhood bar. We landed right in the middle of Trivia Night and accidently blurted out one of the answers immediately. I was amazed how cool everyone was about this incident. We then found that the pub was closing a month later … and were bummed. Good luck getting this new place together. And we look forward to your grand opening, Trivia night and best of all … the locals !!!!