All posts by Wendi Dunlap

Editor of the Beacon Hill Blog.

Discuss the bus over pancakes

Metro bus in West Seattle -- thanks Seattle Municipal Archives!
Metro bus in West Seattle -- thanks Seattle Municipal Archives!
We posted earlier about this Saturday’s pancake breakfast, and about potential bus service changes in Southeast Seattle. Today, Jodie Vice of Beacon Hill Pedestrians posted some further information to the mailing list that allows us to combine both topics:

There has been quite a bit of discussion about bus service changes when light rail comes on board. It would be great to have a discussion about this and fill out our surveys as a neighborhood! I’ve contacted Metro and they are sending me about 50 surveys (in multiple languages) to hand out at the Pancake Breakfast THIS Saturday at El Centro – 9:30AM.

A bus service and light rail discussion will go hand-in-hand at our forum on creating a town center, because you can not create a “town center” without adequate access by ALL modes. We have an amazing opportunity with the light rail to be more connected to southend neighborhoods and downtown, but bus service is still crucial for local trips.

The current Metro plans include a potential crosstown route that will connect the Hill with West Seattle, possible changes to the 38 to eliminate redundant service once the light rail opens, and more.

Thanks Jodie and BHP!

Cleveland students dodge drivers daily

The Rainier Valley Post has an article about the pedestrian-unfriendly situation around Cleveland High School, where narrow sidewalks, a lack of crosswalks, and speeding cars make the walk to and from the bus stop less than safe.

The “Critical Crossings” site mentioned (but not linked-to) in their article is available here. Thanks for forwarding this link, Ezra!

Despite the blog’s name, the Post has a fair amount of Beacon Hill coverage; if you want to go directly to those posts, go here.

Car break-in at 17th and College

Reported this evening on the Beacon Hill mailing list: a car break-in at 17th and College. Apparently 3 juveniles have been casing the neighborhood cars lately, so keep your eyes open and don’t leave valuables in your vehicle. Remember, if you see anything wrong, call the police and 911 in particular; the SPD uses these calls to determine service levels in the area, so they need to hear from you, even if you think that they won’t be able to help.

Shooting at 16th and Spokane

A flurry of posts on the neighborhood mailing list Sunday reported hearing gunshots in the area of 16th Ave S. and S. Spokane early Sunday morning. The P-I has the details: a 17 year old was shot in the leg after he and his girlfriend “exchanged words” (sounds so civilized, doesn’t it?) with the occupants of an SUV. As of yet, the SUV and its occupants have not been found.

Thanks to Ezra Klug for pointing us to the P-I report!

Rider’s eye view of Link light rail

I was excited to see this time-lapse video of a trip from Othello Station almost all the way to the Tukwila light rail station:

I can’t wait for the train to open to the public — I just wish we would get more train lines, and faster! But this one will be great for getting from Beacon Hill to the airport, downtown, the stadiums, and just about anywhere in between. Next summer can’t get here quickly enough, as far as I’m concerned.

Via Seattle Transit Blog — thanks!