Tag Archives: car prowl

Crime notes: Neighbor reports assault by laughing, bat-wielding teenagers

Neighbor Dayna writes about a scary situation near 13th and Snoqualmie on Tuesday night:

“While walking home from the bus at 6:45pm Tuesday night, my neighbor (40ish-something male) was jumped and beaten with a baseball bat by about a half-dozen teenage boys. The boys didn’t rob him, but laughed as they were swinging the bat at his head before jumping in a car that was waiting for them. He was only a block away from his house, which by the way is also just a few blocks from Maple park and Maple school. It has shaken up our neighborhood. We’ve also had a few home break-ins this past week, more than usual back to back, but the violence against our friend and neighbor has hit us all hard. We’re just not sure what could have been done differently in this situation… A grown man, walking home from the bus in the early evening, attacked by young men while laughing. We’re just not sure what to think about this.”

Also in crime, we’ve been hearing about a few car prowls and burglaries in the last few weeks on the neighborhood mailing lists and in emails to the Beacon Hill Blog. Neighbor Josh writes:

“I wanted to report two of our cars at [the 2000 block of] S Horton St were broken into last night [11/15]. Both driver side windows were shattered and the cars were rummaged through with no significant items taken. I can’t count how many times our cars have been broken into but it’s unfortunate. We leave nothing valuable in the car but it seems to keep happening. Just wanted to get this info out to everyone.”

Another neighbor wrote in late October:

“Prowlers broke into both of my cars. 1 car on Monday night, and came back on Tuesday for wife’s car, alarms went off both times. Nothing much taken just an empty backpack.”

Some folks in the 1900 block South Lander Street must be feeling unsafe right now. On November 12, their residence was burglarized for the second time in two months. The burglar(s) got away with four credit cards, and promptly used one of them at Nike Town ($700+) and Starbucks ($200). Anyone in the area sporting new shoes and a new espresso machine?

Cars rifled through on S. Forest St.

Neighbor Kimberly wrote this weekend:

“Just wanted to report some weird activity on Forest near the Red Apple. For the last two nights our car parked on the street, which doesn’t lock all the way, has been searched in the middle of the night. They opened the trunk, pulled everything out of the glove box and left it, but took nothing. There was some loose change and an iPod car converter that were not touched. Last night the same thing happened to our neighbor’s car, with the same result, nothing taken.

“Seems like whoever is doing it is looking for something specific, but not finding it on our street yet!”

Any ideas what might be happening here? And has anyone else in the area noticed similar activity?

Car broken into? Report it!

Cat B wrote mentioning a spate of burgled and damaged vehicles near 17th and Bayview over the weekend:

The thieves broke a front window and stole some items from my car parked on 17th Ave S near S Bayview St. A friend’s car was also burglarized in a driveway on 16th Ave S near Bayview and her neighbor’s car was also targeted. I encourage those who were vandalized or burglarized to inform the police for tracking purposes.

We encourage that, too. Call the police and file a report. The non-emergency line is 206-625-5011.

Thanks Cat!

Crime Notes: Car found, car windows broken, Craigslist

Rob's 2001 Jeep Cherokee, driven through his garage door following a burglary on August 25th.
Rob's 2001 Jeep Cherokee, driven through his garage door following a burglary on August 25th.
Rob, following up on the burglary with a dramatic getaway previously reported, writes that the 2001 Jeep Cherokee stolen from his garage (exiting forcefully through his garage door) was located not too far away near Corson and Ferdinand, near the Maple Wood Playfield. If you happened to see whoever drove and dumped it there a week or two ago, please contact Rob.

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BenRifkah reports recent car prowls with multiple broken windows along Waite between 19th & 20th. Other posters identified an individual who has long been suspected of similar prowls near 17th & College. Definitely do not keep valuables in your car if at all possible.

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If you’ve been a robbery or burglary victim recently, Allison mentions monitoring Craigslist for your stolen merchandise. A mighty good suggestion. Craiglist is just as good a place to try to fence stolen property as it is to get rid of your old sofa.

Car break-in at 17th and College

Reported this evening on the Beacon Hill mailing list: a car break-in at 17th and College. Apparently 3 juveniles have been casing the neighborhood cars lately, so keep your eyes open and don’t leave valuables in your vehicle. Remember, if you see anything wrong, call the police and 911 in particular; the SPD uses these calls to determine service levels in the area, so they need to hear from you, even if you think that they won’t be able to help.