Category Archives: Local Events

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with El Centro

¡Vengan a celebrar el Cinco de Mayo con El Centro de la Raza!

El Centro de la Raza is hosting a Cinco de Mayo celebration (a few days early) on Saturday, May 2, from 3:00 to 8:00 pm. The event will be at the Jefferson Community Center, 3801 Beacon Avenue South. Come and enjoy:

  • Live entertainment and DJ
  • Traditional foods
  • Children’s activities
  • Local vendors
  • A health, social services, and local business fair

To get involved in this event, contact Leah at (206) 957-4640, or

Competing meetings tonight

Tonight is both the NBHC monthly meeting, this one with a special focus on “transit oriented development”, as well as the BAN meeting (on new, tentative schedule), where the topic concerns grants: city grants for Beacon Bluff, Jose Rizal Park, and Lewis Park, and the county grant application deadline.

Full NBHC meeting agenda and location details were mentioned just a couple of posts ago.

The BAN meeting is also at 7pm tonight, but at the PacMed Quarters 1 building on the northwest corner of 14th Ave S and S Judkins.

Unfortunately, due to previous commitments we won’t be able to make either meeting — but please let us and your other neighbors that can’t make it to one meeting or the other know what happens in the comments!

Neighborhood plan update meeting March 28 at El Centro

The existing North Beacon Hill neighborhood plan for the light rail station area is in the process of being revised. As we have seen recently, the topic of density and transit-oriented development in the neighborhood is controversial. You can make your voice heard in the process of rezoning and changing North Beacon by attending the City’s neighborhood plan update meeting on Saturday, March 28, from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm at El Centro de la Raza, 2524 16th Ave South.

Plan a walkable city with Feet First

The folks from Feet First want you to know about their upcoming planning meeting:

On Saturday, February 21st & Sunday, February 22nd, Feet First will embark on the first strategic planning meeting designed to develop a new framework to guide us in the next three years. Feet First needs to hear from you.

When: Saturday, February 21, 9am-5pm and Sunday, February 22nd, 9am-2pm
Where: EOS Alliance, 650 South Orcas Street, Suite 220 (Georgetown neighborhood)

Your participation in both days is encouraged. Lunch will be served both days.

RSVP to Atsuko Murota, by emailing or by calling 206-652-2310.

Feet First is a non-profit advocacy organization founded to promote walkable communities and to advance pedestrian interests.

Sukiyaki Dinner March 7 at Blaine Memorial

Sukiyaki. Photo by Mari.
Sukiyaki. Photo by Mari.
Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church is having their annual benefit Sukiyaki Dinner on Saturday, March 7, and all are welcome! Dining hours are 4:00 – 7:00 pm, and tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children. Takeout is also available earlier in the day; details are on the event flyer. Rumor has it there will also be a bake sale, so there will be no shortage of tasty edibles, and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Beacon Avenue Food Bank and the El Centro De La Raza Food Bank. Blaine Memorial is located at 3001 24th Avenue South.

Edited to add: Blaine Memorial UMC mentions in the comments: “During the month of March, we will also be holding a food drive to benefit the Rainier Valley Food Bank.”

Edited again to correct the name of the Beacon Avenue Food Bank.

Grown Folks to show inauguration

Photo by Dan Lurie.
Photo by Dan Lurie.
Looking for a local site to watch the inauguration? Grown Folks Coffeehouse at 4878 Beacon Avenue South will be broadcasting it from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm. They have a fireplace, TVs, coffee and tasty food, so it should be a comfortable and cheerful place to watch history unfold.

Gary at Grown Folks would also like to pass this message along:

“We at Grown Folks would just like to thank everyone for supporting us, especially during this very tough economy. Your support is deeply appreciated. We simply can’t thank you enough for being such a great neighborhood to do business in.”

Beaconian tells of bicycle journey through Thailand and Laos

Beacon Hill resident and KUOW commentator Willie Weir and his wife Kat spent three months in 2006 bicycling in Thailand and Laos, enjoying amazing travel experiences while discovering the differences and unique challenges of each country. Weir will present the story of their journey, A Tale of Twos: Cycling Thailand & Laos, at the REI flagship store on January 22 at 7:00 pm.

MLK Day planting party at Hanford Steps

Hanford Steps under renovation - Photo by Jason
Photo by Jason
On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 19th, a planting party will be hosted by the neighborhood group SONG at the Hanford Steps at South Hanford Street & 25th Avenue South.

Party participants are encouraged to bring gloves, shovels, trowels, raingear (just in case), and snacks!

If you can spare some time and labor sometime between 10am and 5pm (particularly between 2 and 5), the Steps and your neighbors near them would be mighty appreciative.

The original invitation mail from Jorji and a map is after the break.
Thanks, Jorji!

Continue reading MLK Day planting party at Hanford Steps

Students march for peace and justice this Friday

Illustration by Dave McKeague.
Illustration by Dave McKeague.
Sheba Burney-Jones sends the following notice about a nearby event Beacon Hillians might be interested in:

Join Giddens School students and others for a Central Area STUDENT MARCH FOR PEACE & JUSTICE in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Friday, January 16th, 10 a.m. – noon. What would Dr. King say to President Obama?

“Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so Obama could run. Obama’s running so we all can fly.” -rapper, Jay-Z

March from Judkins Park to the Northwest African American Museum. Rally there at 11 with the Honorable Harold Moss, former Tacoma Mayor and civil rights activist, student speakers from Giddens and Garfield High, and songs led by musical director Kent Stevenson. Giddens students organized the march, reaching out to neighboring Central Area schools and others to join them. A number of schools – Lake Washington Girls Middle, Zion Prep, First Place, Seattle Girls School, Leschi Elementary, and King Street Coop – are on board or have expressed interest in attending. The march commemorates the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and is a reminder that the struggle for peace and justice is never-ending as long as war, poverty, and other inequities exist in the world. Come join us!

For more information, contact Sheba at