This month’s North Beacon Hill Council meeting on Thursday evening at the library includes a workshop about emergency preparation, information about bicycle/pedestrian activities, and more. Here’s the agenda, as forwarded from the Council:
7:00 Hellos and introductions
7:05 SNAP presentation – this is a one hour workshop that will enable all of us to better prepare our homes for emergencies.
8:05 Questions and answers
8:15 Dee Dunbar – Lewis Park Pedestrian and Bike Parade and Celebration
8:20 Announcements
board elections in May (four positions open)
neighborhood coordinator
community information center
8:30 Regular meeting adjourns; Board meets in Community Service Center
The meeting is this Thursday, April 7 at the Beacon Hill Library, 2821 Beacon Avenue South. All are welcome.
It's not every day you see someone cycling down Beacon Avenue with a tuba on his back, but this fellow did it on Saturday. Photo by Wendi.Tasha’s Bistro Café will be opening soon at the former Culinary Communion house on Beacon Avenue South. We spoke on Saturday with owner Tasha Sawabini, who also operates the Elegant Gourmet Catering company. She told us that the restaurant will be serving Northwest cuisine, and that she hopes to be able to open by Memorial Day weekend. The current plan is for the café to offer brunch on Saturday and Sunday and dinner on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
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The Seattle Office of Emergency Management is hosting a disaster preparedness workshop at the Beacon Hill Library, 2821 Beacon Avenue South, on this Tuesday, May 4 from 6:30-7:45 pm. At the “Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare” workshop, you’ll learn simple steps to safeguard your home before disaster, take a quake-safe action wherever you are, and create a neighborhood team. The workshop is free, and no pre-registration is necessary.
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The PTA at Dearborn Park Elementary will host its first Dearborn Park Bazaar and Festival on May 22 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. They will sell garage sale items, arts, crafts, plants, and food, and have games and performances. For information on renting space to sell your own items or performing at the event, please contact Nelrica Mosqueda or Angela Sheffey at 206-252-6930 or email The group also needs monetary and/or gift certificate donations to make the event happen.
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Some of the treats that were served at A Touch of Sweden's open house on Saturday. Photo by Wendi.The open house for A Touch of Sweden was at the former Culinary Communion house (soon to be Tasha’s Bistro Café) this weekend. Baker Kajsa Soderlund told us the event was a big success, and while we were there we saw quite a few people come in to try out the baked goods, which included cinnamon rolls, “Dream” cookies, and other treats. (The items we tried were tasty, and we hope there will be a storefront on Beacon Hill someday for A Touch of Sweden—which is currently open only for advance ordering.)
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The Beaconettes, an all-women a cappella singing group who “cleverly satirize Seattle’s icons, issues and celebrities with a specific focus on Beacon Hill and neighborhoods south of the ship canal,” will be performing at the Mount Baker Community Center on Thursday, May 13 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm to help raise money for Kimball Elementary’s Annual Fund.
The suggested donation is $15 per person. Contributions will help support Kimball’s Annual Fund which pays for arts and afterschool programs, bilingual translations, field trips, books, school supplies and more.
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State Senator Adam Kline (D-37th District) will stop by Quarters 1 at the PacMed Campus on May 11 to meet with community members and hear what his constituents have to say. The meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 11, in Quarters 1 at the northwest corner of 14th Avenue South and South Judkins Street. If you are driving, please park on the street.
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If you didn’t get your Census form mailed in, you should expect a knock on the door soon. Census takers are out and about this month visiting households that didn’t return their census forms. In most cases, census workers will make initial visits during afternoons, early evenings and weekends.
If a 2010 Census worker knocks on your door, here are some ways to verify that person is a legitimate census taker:
The census taker must present an ID badge that contains a Department of Commerce watermark and expiration date. The census taker may also be carrying a black canvas bag with a Census Bureau logo.
The census taker will provide you with supervisor contact information and/or the local census office phone number for verification, if asked.
The census taker only will ask you the questions that appear on the 2010 Census form.
The 2010 Census taker will not ask for social security number, bank account number or credit card number and will never solicit for donations or contact you by email.
Congratulations to the Pacific Asian Empowerment Program, M C Foodstore, Graham Street Grocery, and Beacon Hill Foods for getting perfect scores of zero!
Photo by Chris Streeter.I have never been so grateful to have a mellow(ish) older dog. Tica was patient this week as we were laid out with a nasty bug. Was it a flu? A cold? Does it matter? We were sick, but at least we were prepared–and now we’re better. Whew!
King County has excellent guidelines (in several languages) for how to prepare for flu. If you’re at risk, get vaccinated. Wash your hands frequently, and make sure those around you (especially kids) wash their hands. Wipe down doorknobs, telephones, keyboards, and other surfaces. If you’re sick, STAY HOME. Ask someone else to run to the grocery store, pick up the kids, or take care of other errands.
I’ll add some practical tips (also useful for anyone expecting a baby or otherwise planning to be housebound for a while). Even with limited space and/or a limited budget, it’s possible to plan ahead. Be creative.
Stock up on household supplies. Buy extra toilet paper, tissue, cleaning supplies, etc while on sale. Have at least a week’s reserve stored, if possible.
Remember pets–have litter, food, and other essentials available in case you can’t make it to the store for a few days.
Keep a supply of medications on hand: pain/fever reducers, over-the-counter remedies, and prescription medications. Even if you don’t usually take OTC medications, buy a bottle of cold/flu reliever and some fever reducer. You can always give it away at the end of the season.
Print out a contact list of doctors/health care providers, including phone numbers, addresses, and emergency/after hours contact info. Make copies of insurance info & include in this folder.
Print out a list of friends/family/neighbors who can help. Be a helpful friend/neighbor–offer your contact information to those on your block in case of emergency.
Keep a collection of light reading, movies, games, etc. hidden in a cupboard. You’ll appreciate this when you’re well enough to be bored, but too sick to go out.
Fill a box with soup, crackers, gatorade, and other easy-to-eat non-perishable items.
I didn’t need to call anyone to walk Tica or run to Red Apple for juice. Shane and I were sick at different times, so we were able to take care of each other. It was a relief to know who I could call if I needed help.  I’m grateful to have connections with neighbors who care.
Sound Transit, Seattle Police and Fire, and King County Metro will conduct an emergency response drill at the Beacon Hill light rail station (Beacon Ave S. and S. Lander St.) on Wednesday May 27 through Saturday May 30. Please do not dial 911 about the drill activities; it’s only a drill.
Temporary parking restrictions will be imposed on those dates between South McClellan and South Bayview streets on 17th Avenue South from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. This restriction will enable the Fire Department to stage response vehicles during the drill.
Thanks to Steve Louie for forwarding the info to the mailing list!
Seattle Public Utilities would like us to remind you that, despite the gorgeous weather we’ve had lately, the winter weather is on its way, and everyone needs to do a few things to keep safe and sound:
keep your storm drains clear of leaf debris
build an emergency supply kit (including water, radio and light)